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IAUC 6535: 1997B; EY Cyg

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6535
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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     Alessandro Gabrijelcic, Passo Valles, Italy, reports his
discovery of a supernova (mag about 16.5) on a CCD image taken on
Jan. 13.91 UT.  The new object was reported by Gabrijelcic as being
40" northeast of the center of IC 438 (R.A. = 5h53m.0, Decl. =
-17o53', equinox 2000.0); nothing is present at this location on
the Digitized Sky Survey.
     S. Benetti and C. Lidman, European Southern Observatory (ESO),
report:  "Inspection of a fully-reduced spectrum (range 523.6-903.1
nm, resolution about 2.0 nm), obtained at Jan. 14.03 UT with the
ESO 3.6-m telescope (+ EFOSC1), confirms SN 1997B to be like a
type-Ic supernova, about 10 days past maximum.  The spectrum is
dominated by a huge Ca II infrared line with a P-Cyg profile
(expansion velocity about 15 800 km/s) superimposed on an almost-
flat continuum.  The redshift of the galaxy, 3246 km/s, is
determined from the H-alpha line of a nearby H II region.  A broad
emission feature (FWHM about 45 nm), showing several structures, is
centered at about 661.3 nm -- the strongest of which is a resolved
emission line (FWHM about 4.6 nm) centered at 663 nm, which could
be identified as H-alpha.  The O I 777.3-nm line is also present
and relatively strong, with a P-Cyg profile (expansion velocity
about 7500 km/s).  A P-Cyg line with a flat absorption profile (at
about 575.8 nm) is also recognized in the spectrum, and if we
identify this feature with He I 587.6-nm, an expansion velocity of
about 9200 km/s is deduced.  The supernova is located 42" east and
11".5 north of the galaxy nucleus, and the magnitude deduced from a
R-band frame is 16.6."

     A rare outburst of this dwarf-nova-type (SS-Cyg subclass)
cataclysmic variable EY Cyg has been reported independently by G.
Dyck, Assonet, MA; by J. Pietz, Erftstadts, Germany; and by P.
Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany.  E. Waagen, AAVSO, notes that the
most recent outbursts of this star, as recorded in the AAVSO
International Database, occurred in 1992 Mar. and 1986 Aug.  The
following visual magnitude estimates are from the AAVSO:  1997 Jan.
10.08 UT, [14.5 (G. Hanson, Cave Creek, AZ); 11.71, 12.8: (Pietz);
11.965, 13.1 (Dyck); 12.097, 12.7 (Hanson); 12.118, 12.7 (Hanson);
12.46, 12.0 (Dyck); 12.715, 12.5: (Schmeer); 12.731, 12.4 (Schmeer);
13.733, 12.1 (Schmeer).

                      (C) Copyright 1997 CBAT
1997 January 14                (6535)            Daniel W. E. Green

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