Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6753: C/1997 T1; 1997dg

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IAUC number

                                                 Circular No. 6753
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     Preliminary parabolic orbital elements by S. Nakano, Sumoto,
Japan, from 46 observations (Oct. 5-6).

     T = 1997 Dec. 10.836 TT          Peri. =  96.950
                                      Node  =  53.942   2000.0
     q = 1.34933 AU                   Incl. = 128.182

1997 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Oct.  4    23 16.2    +72 36.5   1.033   1.670  110.5   34.1   10.3
      5    22 52.2    +72 14.2   1.026   1.662  110.3   34.4   10.3
      6    22 29.2    +71 40.3   1.019   1.654  110.0   34.6   10.2
      7    22 07.5    +70 55.6   1.014   1.646  109.6   34.9   10.2
      8    21 47.5    +70 01.1   1.011   1.638  109.2   35.2   10.2
      9    21 29.33   +68 58.2   1.008   1.630  108.6   35.5   10.1
     10    21 12.89   +67 47.9   1.006   1.622  108.0   35.8   10.1
     11    20 58.17   +66 31.6   1.006   1.614  107.3   36.2   10.1
     12    20 45.02   +65 10.4   1.006   1.607  106.6   36.5   10.1
     13    20 33.32   +63 45.3   1.008   1.599  105.7   36.9   10.1
     14    20 22.90   +62 17.2   1.011   1.591  104.8   37.3   10.0
     15    20 13.62   +60 46.9   1.015   1.584  103.9   37.7   10.0
     16    20 05.35   +59 15.2   1.019   1.577  102.9   38.1   10.0
     17    19 57.96   +57 42.7   1.025   1.569  101.8   38.4   10.0
     18    19 51.34   +56 09.9   1.032   1.562  100.7   38.8   10.0
     19    19 45.41   +54 37.2   1.040   1.555   99.6   39.2   10.0
     20    19 40.07   +53 05.0   1.049   1.548   98.4   39.5   10.0
     21    19 35.27   +51 33.7   1.058   1.541   97.2   39.9   10.0
     22    19 30.92   +50 03.6   1.069   1.534   95.9   40.2   10.0
     23    19 26.99   +48 34.8   1.080   1.527   94.7   40.5   10.0
     24    19 23.43   +47 07.7   1.092   1.521   93.4   40.8   10.0
     25    19 20.19   +45 42.3   1.105   1.514   92.1   41.0   10.0
     26    19 17.24   +44 18.7   1.118   1.508   90.9   41.3   10.0
     27    19 14.56   +42 57.1   1.133   1.501   89.6   41.5   10.0
     28    19 12.10   +41 37.5   1.147   1.495   88.3   41.6   10.0
     29    19 09.86   +40 20.0   1.163   1.489   87.0   41.8   10.1

     L. Wang, C. Pulliam, and J. C. Wheeler, University of Texas,
report: "A spectrum of SN 1997dg was obtained on Oct. 1.3 UT at the
2.7-m telescope (+ LCS) of the McDonald Observatory.  We confirm
that this is a type-Ia supernova a few days past maximum (cf. IAUC
6749).  The redshift of the host galaxy is about 0.034, assuming a
Ca II (H and K) expansion velocity for the ejecta of 12 000 km/s."

                      (C) Copyright 1997 CBAT
1997 October 6                 (6753)            Daniel W. E. Green

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