Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6795: 1997eh; 1997ei; GRB 971214

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IAUC number

                                                 Circular No. 6795
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     J. Maza, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile, reports
the discovery of a supernova (B about 18.5) by Roberto Antezana on
a plate taken by L. Gonzalez using the Maksutov telescope at Cerro
El Roble on Nov. 25.246 UT.  SN 1997eh is located at R.A. =
5h49m04s.59, Decl. = -24o29'01".6 (equinox 2000.0), which is 6".4
west and 0".8 north of the nucleus of its host galaxy.  Confirming
images of the supernova were obtained by E. Costa (University of
Chile) via a CCD frame taken with the Cerro Tololo (CTIO) 1.5-m
telescope and by Gonzalez at Cerro El Roble, both on Nov. 27.25.
     R. Covarrubias and N. Suntzeff, CTIO, report that
spectrophotometry (range 350--700 nm, resolution 0.3 nm), obtained
by R. C. Smith on Dec. 23.3 UT with the CTIO 1.5-m telescope, shows
SN 1997eh to be a type-Ia supernova, about 6 weeks after maximum.
A very noisy spectrum of the galaxy suggests a possible redhift of
z about 0.04.

SUPERNOVA 1997ei IN NGC 3963
     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, reports a discovery by M. Aoki,
Tsukioka-cho, Toyama, of an apparent supernova (mag 16.5) on six
frames taken on Dec. 23 (limiting mag about 18.0) with a 0.43-m f/6
reflector (+ unfiltered CCD) and confirmed on three frames taken on
Dec. 24.  SN 1997ei is located at R.A. = 11h54m59s.98, Decl. =
+58o29'26".4 (equinox 2000.0), which is 10" east and 10" south of
the center of NGC 3963.  Eleven previous frames taken by Aoki from
1996 Dec. 21 to 1997 Nov. 3 do not show an object at this position,
though a possible faint image is present on a frame taken on 1997
Dec. 5; nothing is present at this position on the Digital Sky

GRB 971214
     M. Boer, Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, CNRS,
Toulouse; B. A. Roberts and R. Malina, Center for EUVE Astrophysics,
Berkeley; M. Feroci and L. Piro, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale,
CNR, Rome; and K. Hurley, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of
Berkeley, communicate:  "EUVE observed the position of the x-ray
counterpart of GRB 971214 between Dec. 15.8 and 16.16 UT.  No
source was detected during the 2000-s observation made with the
Lexan (10.0 nm) filter.  The 3-sigma upper limit to the countrate
is 0.002 counts/s.  Assuming a hydrogen column density of 10E20
cmE-2, this corresponds to an upper limit to the flux of about 1.7
x 10E-13 erg cmE-2 sE-1."

                      (C) Copyright 1997 CBAT
1997 December 24               (6795)            Daniel W. E. Green

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