Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J00420310+4102331

TCP J00420310+4102331   2018 10 15.4568*  00 42 03.10 +41 02 33.1  18.0 U  466W 815S  M31       N 0

2018 10 15.4568

2018 Oct. 13.478 >19.8 U mag,Oct. 15.45683 18.0 U mag.(limiting mag.=19.3),var? [0.5m f/6.8 reflector, FLI 1001E] the nearest star in M31 catalogue has position end figures 03s18, 31"8, distance 1"6, magnitudes V=22.7, B=23.1, R=22.0, (Nishiyama & Kabashima D62,Japan)

2018 10 16.350

F. Watanabe performed follow-up observation of this object using a 0.4-m f/10 Meili telescope (Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope) + SBIG STL-1001E CCD at Nayoro Observatory, Nayoro, Japan on Oct. 16.350 UT. The magnitude is measured to be R = 17.2 +/- 0.2 (reference stars from UCAC4 Rmag).

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