PNV J00431453+4121099 2021 10 23.802 * 00 43 14.53 +41 21 09.9 17.4 C 441E 299N M31 4 0
2021 10 23.802
A. Horti-David, K. Sarneczky and J. Vinko (Konkoly Observatory), report the discovery of a possible nova (mag 17.4) on the 15x60-s survey image (limiting mag about 19) taken at Piszkesteto Observatory, Hungary on Oct. 23.802 UT with the 0.60-m Schmidt telescope. The transient located at RA=00 43 14.53, Dec=+41 21 09.9 (equinox 2000.0) which is about 441" east and 299" north of the center of the M31. Nothing is visible at this position on archival images taken on Oct. 18.79 (limiting mag about 20).
2021 10 24.76
Mag.= 17.11 (+/-0.03), 2021 10 24.76 (A. Horti-David, K. Sarneczky and J. Vinko, Konkoly Observatory, 0.60-m Schmidt, 15x60 sec unfiltered)
2021 10 25.81
Mag.= 17.84 (+/-0.03), 2021 10 25.81 (A. Horti-David, K. Sarneczky and J. Vinko, Konkoly Observatory, 0.60-m Schmidt, 15x60 sec unfiltered)