Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J03383439+2232595

PSN J03383439+2232595   2011 11 30.26  *  03 38 34.39 +22 32 59.5  18.9 U    1E  17N            D 9

2011 12 04.3358

L. Elenin (Lyubertsy, Russia) confirm an apparent supernova PSN J03383439+2232595. Object visible on 3x300-sec images remotely taken at ISON-NM Observatory (Mayhill, NM, USA) with 0.45-m f/2.8 telescope + CCD (KAF09000) on Dec. 04.3358. Object located at 03h 38m 34s.39 +/- 0".1, +22d 32' 58".9 +/- 0".1 (NOMAD) and have magnitude about 18.4U (mag. limit ~19.8m). Nothing is visible at this position on the POSS and POSSII images. Image of PSN J03383439+2232595 available at http://spaceobs.org/images/TOCP/PSNJ03383439+2232595-20111204.png

2011 12 10.96110

This object was observed by Federica Luppi on 2011 12 10.96110 from Schiaparelli Observatory, Varese (Italy). In a stack of images totalling 13 minutes of exposure time with Bessell R filter, the object has position end figures 34s.37, 59".4 and magnitude 18.2.

2011 12 16.01

NTT Large Collaboration spec. ID: Type IIn supernova, most similar to SN 2005gj, a few days after explosion

2011 12 19.8997

Photometry: Mag. 19.0 +/-0.1 U. Astrometry: RA 03 38 34.38 Dec +22 32 59.6 (equinox 2000.0). GiaGa Obs, Pogliano Milanese (MI) Italy MPC 203. 0.28 m f/6.8 Schmidt-Cassegrain + ST8XME UCAC 2.0 reference stars, exp 20 min (average of 4 images each 300 sec). Observers S. Foglia, G. Galli

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