Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

TCP J05552097+1410101

TCP J05552097+1410101   2020 11 25.3607*  05 55 20.97 +14 10 10.1  14.9 C             Ori       0 0

2020 11 25.3607

Discovered by M. Forslund and B. Forslund (Asteroid Hunters Transient Survey - AHTS) at AHS Observatory, Castaic, CA, USA, in three 30-second unfiltered exposures using a 0.36-m f/2.2 astrograph + CCD, with magnitude 14.9 under limiting magnitude 18.6. Nothing is visible at this location on the previous frame (limiting magnitude 18.3) taken on 2020 Nov. 16.4075 UT.

2020 11 25.4020

The progenitor is PSO J055520.947+141010.372 at position end figures 20.95s in RA and 10.3" in DE (equinox J2000.0; gmag. 22.0, rmag. 21.5, imag. 21.1, zmag. 21.5); another designation is GSC2.3 N9K6001460 (Bjmag. 21.6). A previous outburst is recorded in 'The First U.S. Naval Observatory Robotic Astrometric Telescope Catalog' (URAT1): mag. 15.7 on 2014 February 18. The current outburst was also recorded by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K): 2020 November 23.328 UT, fainter than gmag. 17.0; 25.402, gmag. 14.94. Previous outbursts had been observed on 2018 March 29 (Vmag. 14.9) and September 15 (gmag. 15.9); complete light curve at https://asas-sn.osu.edu/light_curves/04a8f61e-a85d-4562-9a5a-d5ef491b039d -- Likely dwarf nova outburst, time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy are encouraged. Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

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