Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PNV J06095740+1212255

PNV J06095740+1212255   2018 08 07.7984*  06 09 57.40 +12 12 25.5   9.4 U             Ori       9 0

2019 08 07.86

There is a blue mag. 19 star 1" from the reported position with designations USNO-A2.0 0975-02661189 (Bmag. 19.7, Rmag. 19.2), USNO-B1.0 1022-0102056, GSC2.3 N80U009326 (Fmag. 19.24, Bjmag. 20.11), WISE J060957.44+121224.9, IPHAS J060957.45+121225.2; the Gaia DR2 position end figures are 57.453s and 25.15" (equinox J2000.0, epoch 2015.5, Gmag. 19.18). --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

2019 08 07.7984

Shigehisa Fujikawa, Kan'onji, Kagawa, Japan, reports his discovery of this PNV (mag 9.4) in Ori on a CCD frame taken on 2018 Aug 07.7984 (limiting mag 13.5) using a Minolta F 3.5 f 120mm lens. Obs year is 2019 not 2018!

2019 08 08.796

Mag.= 10.64cG, position end figures 57s.41, 24".9 observed by K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, using 180-mm f/2.8 lens + Nikon D5100 digital camera. An image at http://orange.zero.jp/k-yoshimoto/PNV-J06095740+1212255_20190808.jpg.

2019 8 8.7944

Photometry results were V=10.17 and Ic=9.28 with 0.25m SCT telescope and Apogee Alta F47 CCD at TAO, Kamagaya, Japan. Photometry might have large error as this object was very low in the sky. Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)

2019 08 09.34226

mag. 10.1; TEL 0.3-m f/2.9 reflector + CCD ; observers L. Amaral, C. Jacques, C. Colesanti, E. Pimentel, I. Mussi, J. Ribeiro, M. Domingues, P. Holvorcem, T. Napoleao on behalf of the Brazilian Transient Search (BraTS) at Observatório Campo dos Amarais, Bilac, Brazil.

2019 08 10.788

Mag.=10.1, http://k-itagaki.jp/images/PN-Ori.jpg

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