Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J15583110+1251596

PSN J15583110+1251596   2014 05 29.73  *  15 58 31.10 +12 51 59.6  17.5 U    7E   4N            9 2

2014 05 29.73

We discovered this object on May 29.73 2014 UT in the Tsinghua University-NAOC Transient Survey (TNTS), and the magnitude of the object on unfiltered CCD was about 17.5 mag. This supernova was detected on our survey images taken on May 25 and May 27, with unfiltered magnitudes being as 19.1 mag and 18.3 mag, respectively. Discovery and reference images: http://www.thca.tsinghua.edu.cn/~wangxf/TNTS/PSNJ15583110+1251596.png.

2014 06 05.83210

This transient was observed on 2014 06 05.83210 by G. Masi, remotely using the 17"-f/6.8 corrected Dall-Kirkham robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility, at Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy. 120-seconds exposures, unfiltered, show the source at mag. 16.6 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 31.06; 59.1 (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.2" on both axes).

2014 05 30

This supernova was found by CRTS on May 30th as CSS140530:155831+125159. The discovery has been public since that date from http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/AllSN.html and was announced shortly thereafter to the general community via http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/supernova.html

2014 06 05.94229

Several low resolution spectra of this transient were obtained on 2014 06 05.94229 by G. Masi, remotely using the 14" robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Ceccano, Italy. 14, 300-seconds images were taken using a 100 lines/mm grating, with a dispersion of 34.5 angstroms/pixel. They were co-added and the resulting image shows Si II absorption around 6380 angstroms, suggesting this is a type Ia supernova.

2014 06 02.379

This possible supernova in an Anonymous Galaxy was detected with 7 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 17.04 +/- 0.16 C (V for ref; USNOA2) Astrometry: RA 15 58 31.10 Dec +12 51 58.8 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: https://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/14253307260/

2014 06 06.365

Follow-up This possible supernova in an Anonymous Galaxy was detected with 9 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 16.74 +/- 0.16 C (V for ref; USNOA2) Astrometry: RA 15 58 31.11 Dec +12 51 58.5 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: https://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/14253307260/

2014 06 15.185

Follow-up This possible supernova in an Anonymous Galaxy was detected with 6 x 10 min images using a clear filter Photometry: Mag 16.46 +/- 0.13 C (V for ref; USNOA2) Astrometry: RA 15 58 31.07 Dec +12 51 58.5 These data were collected remotely by Joseph Brimacombe, Coral Towers Observatory, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: https://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/14253307260/

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