Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports"

PSN J20435357+1230517

PSN J20435357+1230517   2013 08 25.5469*  20 43 53.57 +12 30 51.7  16.2 U    2W   8N  N6956     I 0

2013 8 25.5900

Photometry results of this PSN were V=16.00 and Ic=15.76 with 0.5m Astrograph + FLI PL6303E CCD (T30, iTelescope.NET, Siding Spring, Australia). I checked DSS2 images of NGC6956 at Simbad. My image available at http://meineko.sakura.ne.jp/ccd/PSN_J20435357+1230517.jpg Seiichiro Kiyota (Kamagaya, Japan)

2013 08 25.761

Mag.= 15.8, position end figures 53s.53, 51".5 observed by T. Noguchihi, Chiba-ken, Japan, from a frame (limit mag.= 17.0) exposed by 40-s using 0.23-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain + unfiltered CCD. Position and magnitude were measured from UCAC4. See an image at http://park8.wakwak.com/~ngc/images/PSNinNGC6956.jpg.

2013 08 25.92319

Mag.=16.0U, position end figures 53s.55 ,52".3 (UCAC4 reference stars) remotely using 0.32-m f/8.0 astrograph + KAF-6303E (T18, iTelescope.NET, Nerpio, Spain, I89). Magnitude and position were measured on an image composed from 3-frames which were taken by each 120-seconds exposure under the limiting magnitude = 19.3. Observer T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan Link to Image: http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/supernova/PSNinN6959_130826.htm

2013 08 26.1194

This PSN in NGC 6956 was captured by E. Conseil using Slooh Space Telescope at Mt Teide, Canary Islands on 2013 August 26.119, magnitude 15.6U (limiting mag=17.7). T2 Telescope used : 0.35 meter f/11 Schmidt-Cassegrain. Image available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/econseil/9595514951/

2013 08 27.8560

Mag.: 15.9(v) R.A.: 20 43 53.56; Decl.: +12 30 52.1 (2000.0). Reference: PPMXL Observer: Massimiliano Martignoni - Observatory: Stazione Astronomica Betelgeuse (B75), Magnago, Italy Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain 0.25m-f/10.0 - CCD: KAF0261E

2013 08 27.988

This transient was observed by Gianluca Masi and Francesca Nocentini, remotely using the 17" robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Ceccano, Italy. Unfiltered images show the source at mag. 15.6 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). We also performed astrometry, getting the following end figures: 53.57s; 52.3" (J2000.0, mean residuals of 0.15" on both axes)

2013 08 27.610

This possible supernova in NGC 6956 was detected with 9 x 15 min images using an infrared filter Photometry: 16.10 +/- 0.25 IR > 700 nm (R for ref) Astrometry: RA 20 43 53.57 Dec +12 30 52.1 These data were collected by Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia. Link to image and further information: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/9611697319/

28.5430 08 2013

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. ST-8XME)

2013 08 28.5430

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. ST-8XME).

2013 08 28.5430

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. ST-8XME).

2013 08 28.5430

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. ST-8XME).

2013 08 28.5430

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. SBIC ST-8XME CCD).

2013 08 28.5430

Astrometry: R.A. 20 43 53.59 Dec. +12 30 52.7 (UCAC3, J2000), Unfiltered CCD mag 15.9 (K. Nishimura, Ebetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; with 0.35-m refl. SBIC ST-8XME CCD).

2013 08 28.842

This transient was observed by Gianluca Masi and Francesca Nocentini, remotely using the 14" robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Ceccano, Italy. Using a 100 lines/mm grating, providing a dispersion of 34.1 angstrom/pixel, we see clear silicon absorption around 6150 Angstroms, suggesting this is a type Ia supernova

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