PNV J23080471+6046521 2013 02 02.4119* 23 08 04.71 +60 46 52.1 10.3 U Cep N 0
2013 02 02.4327
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki,Japan report a discovery of possible nova (mag.= 10.3) in Cep on two 40-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2013 Feb. 02.4119 UT ( limiting magnitude=13.5 ), using a 105-mm f/4 camera lens (+SBIG STL6303E camera). We have confirmed immediately the appearance of our discovery this PN on five 3-s unfiltered CCD frames taken around 2013 Feb 02.4327 UT ( limiting magnitude=17.5 ), using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+SBIG STL1001E camera). (lens magnitude of referred catalogue Hipparcos, others reference catalogue GSC-ACT) Nothing is visible at this location on two past survey frames taken on 2013 Jan 23.411 UT(limiting mag.= 13.6) and 26.401 UT (limiting mag.= 13.6) nor on 2MASS,USNO-B1.0, but prediscover mag=11.9 Jan. 28.412 UT ( limiting magnitude = 13.7 ),. mag=11.0 Jan. 30.413 UT ( limiting magnitude = 13.5 ),. We have checked in Minor Planets. nearest star in USNO B1.0 has position end figures 04s17, 59"9, distance 8".7, magnitudes B2=17.23 R2=15.98 I=14.65
2013 02 02.5356
I took 2 images of this nova candidate using 0.50-m f/6.8 astrograph + FLI ProLine PL11002M CCD camera at Mayhill, NM, USA (H08, iTelescope.NET), remotely . Photomteric results are V=11.64, Rc=10.96. Object was clearly seen on my images. But please note that object was very low in the sky, just above horizon when I took images. Photometric results might be affected by high air mass. Observer: Seiichiro Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan)
2013 02 02.5356
Image is available at Seiichiro Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan)
2013 02 02.568
Mag.= 11.64V observed by K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi, Japan, from a stacked image (limit mag.= 13.7) exposed by each 20-s x 4 frames using Nikon D5000 Digital Camera + Nikon 180-mm f/2.8 lens. Magnitude were measured using Tycho2 catalog (Johnson V mag). See an image at
2013 02 02.86072
Confirm new object at position 23 08 04.72 +60 46 51.7, mag 10.9 unfiltered. Curremt image here:
2013 02 02.8081
We performed some follow-up of this object remotely through the 0.43-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD of ITelescope network (MPC Code I89 - Nerpio, Spain). On our images taken on February 02.8, 2013 we can confirm the presence of an optical counterpart with unfiltered CCD magnitude 9.8 at coordinates: R.A. = 23 08 04.70, Decl.= +60 46 52.0 (equinox 2000.0; USNO-B1.0 catalogue reference stars). An animation showing a comparison between our confirmation image andthe archive POSS2/UKSTU plate (R Filter - 1991): - Our annotated confirmation image: - Ernesto Guido & Nick Howes
2013 02 03.0752
PNV observed at coordinates 23 08 04.69 +60 46 51.6 (UCAC3). Magnitude 10.64 U +/- 0.02 . Limiting magnitude 16.3. Position and magnitude are average measurements from five separate images. No obvious precursor star seen on DSS. Ran one hour lightcurve, which showed slight (0.01 mag) brightening, but otherwise featureless. Observer: R. A. Koff, Antelope Hills Observatory, Bennett, Colorado USA (H09). Image posted at:
2013 02 03.08177
Mag.= 10.9V on a stacked image (limit mag.= 17.0) exposed by each 180-s x 3 frames using 0.15m f/7.3 reflector + CCD (SBIG ST2000XMC One Shot Color CCD). Magnitude was measured on decomposed G-band color plane. Link to Image
2012 02 02.495
Kazuya Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory, reports that M. Fujii (Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan) obtained a spectrogram (resolution R=650 at H alpha) of PNV J23080471+6046521 on Feb. 2.495 UT with 0.4-m telescope at the Fujii Kurosaki Observatory and found that its H-alpha and H-beta emission had P-Cyg profiles; the absorption bottom of the H-alpha profile being blueshifted by 800 km/s with respect to the emission peak. He also found emission lines of Fe II (multiplet 42, 49, 74) and Na I D, noting also that the slope of the continuum indicates heavy interstellar reddening. His spectrum is posted at the following website URL:
2013 02 4.75531
Follow-up observations of this transient were performed by Gianluca Masi and Francesca Nocentini, remotely using the 17" unit part of the Virtual Telescope robotic facility, in Italy. Unfiltered CCD images shows the star at mag. 10.2, against the UCAC-4 star catalogue.