Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2756: 1975b; 1944 III; 1974h

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2756
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Feb. 28.42674     2 48 01.44   +16 10 29.7   12     Kojima
          28.44063     2 48 03.57   +16 10 55.8            "
          28.47778     2 48 10.3    +16 12 16.0   11     Seki
          28.48854     2 48 11.5    +16 12 39.7            "
     Mar.  1.02397     2 49 33.23   +16 30 37.4          Schwartz
           3.51597     2 55 55.80   +17 53 02.7   12     Seki
           3.52361     2 55 56.86   +17 53 15.0            "

N. Kojima (Ishiki, Aichi).  Measurer: H. Kosai.  Comet diffuse
   without condensation.  Communicated by K. Osawa.
T. Seki (Kochi Observatory, Geisei Station).  Comet diffuse without
   condensation.  Communicated by K. Osawa.
G. Schwartz (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station).  41-cm
   Metcalf astrograph.  Measurer: C. Y. Shao.

     Orbital calculations by B. G. Marsden show that comet
Kohoutek-Ikemura is identical with comet West (IAUC 2751).  The following
elliptical elements satisfy the observations on IAUC 2751 and five
of the current observations within 4".  It is also clear that the
comet passed only 0.01 AU from Jupiter in March 1972.

       T = 1975 Feb  25.879 ET
   Peri. = 358.077                    e =   0.57991
   Node  =  84.691   1950.0           a =   3.32646 AU
   Incl. =  30.061                    n =   0.162454
       q =   1.39741 AU               P =   6.067 years

     1974/75 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Sept.10     1 40.34    -45 15.5    1.433   2.206   14.2
          20     1 35.04    -47 28.2
          30     1 25.63    -49 07.3    1.312   2.072   13.8
     Oct. 10     1 13.02    -49 56.4
          20     0 59.07    -49 42.9    1.242   1.940   13.3
          30     0 46.20    -48 20.9
     Nov.  9     0 36.46    -45 53.0    1.212   1.812   13.0
          19     0 31.07    -42 26.1
          29     0 30.34    -38 09.8    1.210   1.692   12.7
     Dec.  9     0 33.94    -33 13.5
          19     0 41.34    -27 45.2    1.227   1.585   12.4
          29     0 51.97    -21 52.5
     Jan.  8     1 05.31    -15 42.3    1.265   1.497   12.3
          18     1 21.03    - 9 21.5
          28     1 38.89    - 2 57.3    1.326   1.433   12.2
     Feb.  7     1 58.73    + 3 22.9
          17     2 20.58    + 9 31.9    1.414   1.401   12.2
          27     2 44.47    +15 22.7
     Mar.  9     3 10.49    +20 48.6    1.529   1.403   12.4
          19     3 38.76    +25 44.0
          29     4 09.34    +30 03.3    1.669   1.439   12.7
     Apr.  8     4 42.16    +33 42.2
          18     5 17.01    +36 36.9    1.831   1.505   13.1
          28     5 53.41    +38 45.3
     May   8     6 30.67    +40 06.9    2.011   1.596   13.5
          18     7 08.02    +40 43.3
          28     7 44.61    +40 38.3    2.206   1.705   14.0

             m1 = 10.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

       Mr. C. Torres, Department of Astronomy, University of Chile,
informs us that he has recently located faint images of this comet
on plates taken last year with the Maksutov astrograph at Cerro El
Roble.  He provides the following precise positions:

     1974 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.         m1
     Mar. 22.40146    21 01 20.43   -31 26 15.5     19
     Apr. 22.40854    23 03 24.76   -22 30 51.9    18-19

The March image is near the edge of the plate.  On the April plate
there is a centrally condensed coma 1' in diameter.  The two positions
are consistent with the line of variation for this comet and
indicate that T = 1974 Apr. 1.50 UT (cf. IAUC 2601, 2649).  It is
not proposed to give the comet a preliminary designation.

     Mr. Torres also communicates the following additional approximate
positions of a very large, diffuse, uncondensed, unmeasurable
image that is most certainly this comet (see also IAUC 2746):

     1974 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.
     Dec.  9.04850   21 34.0     -66 35
           9.06274   21 34.3     -66 29

1975 March 7                   (2756)              Brian G. Marsden

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