Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2783: 1969 IV

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                                                  Circular No. 2783
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following prediction, by B. G. Marsden, is from an orbit
derived from 47 observations 1969 Sept. 9 to 1970 May 8.  Perturbations
by Mercury to Pluto were taken into account.  The uncertainty
in T is about +/- 1 day.

       T = 1976 Apr. 16.7401 ET   Epoch = 1976 Apr. 12.0 ET
   Peri. =  11.3100                   e =   0.630517
   Node  =  50.3755   1950.0          a =   3.514351 AU
   Incl. =   7.1250                   n =   0.1496016
       q =   1.29849 AU               P =   6.588 years
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1975/76 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     July  7    21 18.55    -26 04.4    2.071   2.985   -1m09  - 3'9   20.8
          17    21 11.82    -27 03.0                    -1.16  - 3.8
          27    21 02.80    -28 03.3    1.852   2.851   -1.21  - 3.5   20.4
     Aug.  6    20 52.07    -28 59.1                    -1.23  - 3.0
          16    20 40.60    -29 43.8    1.741   2.713   -1.21  - 2.4   20.0
          26    20 29.64    -30 12.4                    -1.17  - 1.9
     Sept. 5    20 20.38    -30 23.2    1.734   2.572   -1.11  - 1.4   19.8
          15    20 13.80    -30 16.5                    -1.04  - 1.2
          25    20 10.50    -29 54.8    1.802   2.427   -0.97  - 1.1   19.6
     Oct.  5    20 10.67    -29 20.4                    -0.92  - 1.2
          15    20 14.27    -28 35.1    1.906   2.280   -0.88  - 1.4   19.5
          25    20 21.05    -27 40.1                    -0.85  - 1.7
     Nov.  4    20 30.71    -26 35.4    2.012   2.131   -0.84  - 2.1   19.3
          14    20 42.94    -25 20.3                    -0.85  - 2.6
          24    20 57.41    -23 54.2    2.100   1.982   -0.86  - 3.3   19.1
     Dec.  4    21 13.86    -22 15.6                    -0.88  - 3.9
          14    21 32.06    -20 23.5    2.157   1.836   -0.91  - 4.7   18.8
          24    21 51.81    -18 16.9                    -0.95  - 5.6
     Jan.  3    22 12.95    -15 54.8    2.182   1.694   -1.00  - 6.6   18.5
          13    22 35.40    -13 16.7                    -1.05  - 7.6
          23    22 59.06    -10 22.7    2.178   1.564   -1.11  - 8.7   18.1
     Feb.  2    23 23.95    - 7 13.3                    -1.18  - 9.7
          12    23 50.06    - 3 49.6    2.156   1.450   -1.26  -10.8   17.8
          22     0 17.46    - 0 14.2                    -1.34  -11.8
     Mar.  3     0 46.22    + 3 29.9    2.130   1.363   -1.43  -12.6   17.5

               m2 = 14.5 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

1975 May 20                    (2783)              Brian G. Marsden

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