Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2941: 1976c; 1963 UA

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                                                  Circular No. 2941
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Further positions have been reported as follows:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Mar.  6.06562    10 50 40.40   -42 48 26.6          Blanco
           6.08131    10 50 39.33   -42 48 26.0            "
           6.13955    10 50 35.51   -42 48 25.5          Schuster
           6.16725    10 50 33.79   -42 48 25.9            "
           7.05845    10 49 35.43   -42 47 55.2          Blanco
           7.07257    10 49 34.44   -42 47 55.7            "
          20.01476    10 35 42.81   -42 27 56.9   16-17  Schuster
          20.03553    10 35 41.73   -42 27 54.5            "
          26.11736    10 29 31.03   -42 10 39.9          Blanco
          26.12847    10 29 30.33   -42 10 38.9            "
          27.12446    10 28 31.36   -42 07 24.5          Schuster
          27.13831    10 28 30.55   -42 07 22.0            "
          28.98949    10 26 42.72   -42 01 01.1            "
          29.05598    10 26 38.97   -42 00 48.3            "
     Apr.  4.21885    10 20.93      -41 37.3             Roemer
           5.19751    10 20 03.42   -41 33 10.4            "

B. M. Blanco (Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory).
H.-E. Schuster, G. Pizarro and O. Pizarro (European Southern
   Observatory).  100-cm Schmidt telescope.  Measurer: R. M. West.
   Condensed image with tail 15" north-northeast on Mar. 20.
E. Roemer and L. M. Vaughn (Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak Station).
   229-cm reflector.  Measurer: Roemer.  Apr. 4: near edge
   of field.  Apr. 5: poor seeing, comet large and poorly defined.

     The following improved parabolic elements, by the undersigned,
are from observations Feb. 25 to Apr. 5:

       T = 1975 Jan. 14.746 ET   Peri. = 193.370
                                 Node  =  22.081   1950.0
       q = 6.87955 AU            Incl. = 112.016

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     May   2    10 01.16    -39 22.4    7.041   7.537   17.5
          12     9 56.68    -38 31.4
          22     9 53.53    -37 43.8    7.312   7.590   17.6
     June  1     9 51.61    -37 01.4
          11     9 50.77    -36 25.8    7.614   7.645   17.7
          21     9 50.86    -35 58.1
     July  1     9 51.75    -35 38.9    7.912   7.702   17.9

1963 UA
     The following prediction, by B. G. Marsden, is from the orbit
on Minor Planet Circ. No. 3016.  The formal mean error in the
current perihelion time T is +/- 1.5 days.

       T = 1976 Oct. 5.8362 ET    Epoch = 1976 Sept. 19.0 ET
   Peri. = 191.0046                   e =   0.530675
   Node  = 200.6955   1950.0          a =   2.643761 AU
   Incl. =  11.0515                   n =   0.2292825
       q =   1.240784 AU              P =   4.299 years
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.  Mag.
     May   2    21 36.71    - 2 32.7    1.998   2.008   -1m49  - 5'1   20.1
          12    21 55.62    - 0 19.5                    -1.67  - 5.8
          22    22 14.91    + 2 03.3    1.681   1.876   -1.87  - 6.5   19.7
     June  1    22 34.75    + 4 35.1                    -2.12  - 7.3
          11    22 55.31    + 7 14.8    1.386   1.744   -2.41  - 8.1   19.2
          21    23 16.90    +10 01.4                    -2.77  - 8.9
     July  1    23 39.83    +12 52.5    1.121   1.616   -3.20  - 9.6   18.7
          11     0 04.53    +15 44.6                    -3.72  -10.1
          21     0 31.53    +18 32.7    0.894   1.496   -4.35  -10.3   18.1
          31     1 01.36    +21 08.8                    -5.10  - 9.8
     Aug. 10     1 34.49    +23 21.4    0.710   1.390   -5.96  - 8.4   17.5
          20     2 11.20    +24 55.9                    -6.89  - 5.8
          30     2 51.04    +25 34.4    0.572   1.307   -7.81  - 2.0   17.0
     Sept. 9     3 32.74    +25 00.7                    -8.59  + 2.5
          19     4 14.19    +23 06.4    0.484   1.255   -9.10  + 6.2   16.5
          29     4 52.71    +19 55.9                    -9.31  + 7.0
     Oct.  9     5 26.08    +15 47.7    0.440   1.241   -9.29  + 3.6   16.3
          19     5 52.86    +11 08.5                    -9.18  - 3.3
          29     6 12.26    + 6 26.6    0.431   1.268   -9.09  -11.0   16.2
     Nov.  8     6 24.23    + 2 07.2                    -9.02  -16.5
          18     6 29.18    - 1 28.9    0.448   1.330   -8.90  -18.2   16.1
          28     6 27.99    - 4 04.9                    -8.63  -16.1
     Dec.  8     6 22.45    - 5 30.3    0.498   1.422   -8.12  -11.8   16.3
          18     6 14.75    - 5 44.2                    -7.41  - 6.9
          28     6 07.21    - 4 55.1    0.595   1.533   -6.56  - 2.9   16.7
     Jan.  7     6 01.77    - 3 20.6                    -5.68  - 0.1
          17     5 59.40    - 1 20.0    0.754   1.656   -4.86  + 1.6   17.4
          27     6 00.44    + 0 50.1                    -4.14  + 2.4
     Feb.  6     6 04.72    + 2 57.5    0.976   1.786   -3.54  + 2.8   18.3
          16     6 11.78    + 4 54.8                    -3.03  + 2.9
          26     6 21.16    + 6 38.0    1.250   1.918   -2.62  + 3.0   19.0
     Mar.  8     6 32.39    + 8 05.3                    -2.27  + 3.0
          18     6 45.04    + 9 16.1    1.566   2.050   -1.99  + 3.0   19.7
          28     6 58.78    +10 10.9                    -1.75  + 3.0
     Apr.  7     7 13.33    +10 50.2    1.908   2.180   -1.55  + 3.0   20.2

1976 April 16                  (2941)              Brian G. Marsden

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