Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2966: 1975 YA; 1976 AA

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                                                  Circular No. 2966
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

1975 YA
     E. Roemer, University of Arizona, provides precise positions:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.   Note
     Feb.  3.09375    21 02 05.80   +46 09 55.2             1
     May  25.39792    20 50 42.66   +17 14 53.7             1
     June  5.30899    20 25 54.11   + 5 50 43.1   ~17.6     2
           5.32242    20 25 51.52   + 5 49 36.4             2

Note 1.  Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Catalina Station.  154-cm
   reflector.  Measurer: C. D. Vesely.
Note 2.  Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak Station.  229-cm reflector.
   C. A. Heller assisted.  Measurer: C. D. Vesely.

     The following improved elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 24
observations 1975 Dec. 27 to 1976 June 5:

       T = 1976 Feb. 14.9791 ET   Epoch = 1976 Mar. 3.0 ET
   Peri. =  61.6710                   e =   0.298213
   Node  =  93.7398   1950.0          a =   1.290135 AU
   Incl. =  64.0129                   n =   0.6725914
       q =   0.905400    AU           P =   1.465 years

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     July 21    15 51.48    -54 32.9    0.665   1.485   18.3
          31    15 22.37    -55 57.2
     Aug. 10    15 09.49    -56 45.5    0.978   1.547   19.3
          20    15 07.21    -57 29.8
          30    15 12.30    -58 19.6    1.280   1.597   20.0
     Sept. 9    15 22.92    -59 17.1
          19    15 38.12    -60 21.2    1.546   1.635   20.4

1976 AA
     E. Roemer, University of Arizona, provides the following precise
positions, obtained with the 229-cm reflector, Kitt Peak:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Mag.   Note
     Jan. 26.32221     4 33 07.52   +52 38 47.3             1
          26.32499     4 33 06.09   +52 38 58.3             1
     June  5.44734     1 24 08.95   +13 25 39.4   ~19.0     2

Note 1.  R. A. McCallister assisted.  Measurer: W. Smith.
Note 2.  C. A. Heller assisted.  Measurer: C. D. Vesely.

     The following improved elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 46
observations Jan. 7 to June 5:

       T = 1976 May 20.1779 ET    Epoch = 1976 May 22.0 ET
   Peri. = 147.7752                   e =   0.182388
   Node  = 108.0824   1950.0          a =   0.966451 AU
   Incl. =  18.9100                   n =   1.037372
       q =   0.790182 AU              P =   0.950 year

     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     July 21     4 02.44    + 1 04.7    0.716   0.918   18.8
          31     4 33.79    + 0 22.9
     Aug. 10     5 03.77    - 0 06.9    0.787   0.983   19.0
          20     5 32.54    - 0 31.2
          30     6 00.22    - 0 54.2    0.818   1.041   19.1
     Sept. 9     6 26.91    - 1 17.7
          19     6 52.83    - 1 42.5    0.806   1.089   19.1
          29     7 18.11    - 2 08.1
     Oct.  9     7 42.92    - 2 32.7    0.753   1.122   19.0
          19     8 07.53    - 2 53.9
          29     8 32.19    - 3 07.7    0.664   1.140   18.8
     Nov.  8     8 57.30    - 3 08.5
          18     9 23.44    - 2 48.6    0.551   1.141   18.4
          28     9 51.35    - 1 56.8
     Dec.  8    10 22.27    - 0 16.6    0.425   1.126   17.8
          18    10 58.06    + 2 34.6

          23    11 18.57    + 4 35.9
          28    11 41.37    + 7 05.8    0.309   1.095   17.1
     Jan.  2    12 06.97    +10 06.3
           7    12 35.87    +13 36.4    0.265   1.074   16.7
          12    13 08.43    +17 29.8
          17    13 44.68    +21 32.9    0.239   1.050   16.6
          22    14 24.13    +25 25.9
          27    15 05.60    +28 46.5    0.235   1.023   16.6
     Feb.  1    15 47.45    +31 18.4
           6    16 27.92    +32 55.3    0.250   0.993   16.8
          11    17 05.67    +33 40.8
          16    17 39.99    +33 43.7    0.279   0.962   17.2
          21    18 10.77    +33 13.3
          26    18 38.36    +32 17.5    0.316   0.929   17.4
     Mar.  3    19 03.28    +31 02.1

           8    19 26.13    +29 31.6
          18    20 07.72    +25 58.0    0.395   0.867   17.9
          28    20 46.51    +21 56.0
     Apr.  7    21 24.83    +17 41.9    0.481   0.816   18.2
          17    22 04.05    +13 35.6
          27    22 44.53    + 9 56.1    0.580   0.791   18.5

1976 June 22                   (2966)              Brian G. Marsden

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