Circular No. 2983 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS X-RAY BURSTS F. Li and W. H. G. Lewin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report that the SAS-3 Group has observed x-ray bursts from MXB 1837+05 (IAUC 2963) and MXB 1906+00 at positions R.A. = 18h37m.6, Decl. = + 5o04' and R.A. = 19h06m.2, Decl. = + 0o09' (equinox 1950.0), respectively. The error radius is ~ 10' for both sources. The bursts come almost certainly from Ser X-1 (3U 1837+04; for its position see IAUC 2820) and A1905+00. For the latter source R. Doxsey obtained an improved SAS-3 RMC position R.A. = 19h05m56s, Decl. = + 0o06'14" (equinox 1950.0; error radius 1'). One burst was detected from a third source located between 0o.8 and 1o.7 from R.A. = 19h08m.2, Decl. = + 2o.3. 1975 YA The following precise positions have been obtained by H.-E. Schuster, European Southern Observatory, with the 100-cm Schmidt telescope. Measurer: R. M. West. 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. July 3.13043 17 40 23.24 -44 11 58.3 3.13736 17 40 19.94 -44 12 29.0 1950 LA The following precise positions have been reported: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. Observer Jan. 5.31130 9 50 34.49 -27 51 08.0 McCrosky 27.33501 9 24 10.45 -31 32 25.0 Roemer 27.36071 9 24 08.02 -31 32 31.3 " Feb. 3.39097 9 13 16.60 -31 46 26.2 " 25.27141 8 41 56.46 -29 29 20.4 " 25.29768 8 41 54.56 -29 29 02.4 " Mar. 25.16118 8 24 54.03 -22 33 41.6 " 30.12847 8 25 15.26 -21 19 22.7 " R. E. McCrosky (Harvard College Observatory, Agassiz Station). 155-cm reflector. Measurer: C. Y. Shao. E. Roemer (University of Arizona). Steward Observatory's 229-cm reflector on Jan. 27 (D. Daniels assisting), Feb. 25 and Mar. 25 (C. A. Heller assisting); otherwise Lunar and Planetary Laboratory's 154-cm reflector. Measurers: Roemer, W. Smith, C. Vesely. 1976 August 12 (2983) Zdenek Sekanina
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