Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3000: 1976 UA; N Vul 1976; N Oph 1976; SN IN Anon GALAXY; X-RAY BURSTS; 1976i; (197)

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3000
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

1976 UA
     The following semiaccurate positions have been reported:

     1976 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.      Observer
     Oct. 27.27569    0 07 36    - 1 05.4     Bowell
          27.28611    0 07 38    - 1 06.4       "
          28.10530    0 09 40.8  - 1 52 26    West

E. Bowell (Lowell Observatory).
R. M. West and G. Pizarro (European Southern Observatory).

     The following orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from
observations Oct. 22-28.  The ephemeris is on IAUC 2999.

       T = 1976 Aug. 10.584 ET
   Peri. =  39.580                    e =   0.44710
   Node  = 211.241   1950.0           a =   0.84393 AU
   Incl. =   5.799                    n =   1.27130
       q =   0.46661 AU               P =   0.775 year

     G. Klare and B. Wolf, Landessternwarte, Heidelberg-Konigstuhl,
report that a spectrogram was obtained in the blue (dispersion 55
A/mm) on Oct. 26.83 UT.  An expansion velocity of about -920 km/s
was determined from H-beta and H-gamma, which exhibit strong P-Cyg
characteristics.  Fe II and Ti II emissions were also identified.

     J. S. Neff and K. Gillies, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
State University of Iowa, report that nine observations of flux
distribution were obtained in the spectral region 3400-5900 A
(resolution 30 A) during Oct. 28.035-28.089 UT; four observations were
made of the comparison star 7 Vul.  The nova had a very red, smooth,
continuous spectrum, the monochromatic magnitude at 6500 A being 7.3.
A number of weak emission features were superposed on the continuum,
the strongest being H-beta, with a peak flux equal to that of the
adjacent continuum.  H-beta was somewhat stronger than on Oct. 26.0 UT.

     J. Mattei, American Association of Variable Star Observers,
reports that a photoelectric observation by D. Skilman on Oct. 27.083
UT gave V = 6.59.  Other observers have suggested that the nova was
unexpectedly bright that same night, although D. Weier remarked
that there were considerable short-term fluctuations (by a substantial
fraction of a magnitude), both then and on Oct. 28.0-28.1 UT.
Magnitude estimates by AAVSO observers on Oct. 29.0 averaged 7.3.

     C. Y. Shao, Center for Astrophysics, provides the following
photographic magnitude estimates, derived from patrol plates
obtained at Harvard Observatory's Agassiz Station: Sept. 13.05 UT,
[13.5; 29.06, 11.3; Oct. 11.98, 11.8; 12.99, 11.8; 23.99, 12.4.

     B. Szeidl, Konkoly Observatory, cables that M. Lovas has
discovered yet another supernova, 17" east and 10" north of the
nucleus of an anonymous galaxy located at R.A. = 0h58m.2, Decl. = -7o21'
(equinox 1950.0).  On Oct. 24 the photographic magnitude was 17.5.

     J. H. Swank, R. H. Becker, S. H. Pravdo, J. R. Saba and P. J.
Serlemitsos, Goddard Space Flight Center, report six x-ray bursts
observed by OSO 8 between Sept. 2 and 9 from a region 1o x 1o
centered on 3U 1636-53.  None of the bursts could have come from 4U
1608-52.  The bursts were all less than 11s in duration, and the
peak intensity was approximately seven times the steady level of 3U
1636-53 or about twice that of the Crab (over 2-20 keV).  Three
bursts were observed in a scanning detector, the other three in a
pointed detector, the risetimes of the latter being approximately
1s.6.  The intervals between bursts were within 10 percent of 3h.3.

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Sept.20.57917    20 22 03.49   - 8 08 15.3          Candy
          23.49896    20 21 59.02   - 8 27 09.1   16     Furuta

M. P. Candy (Perth Observatory, Bickley).  33-cm astrograph.
T. Furuta (Tokai).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 136.

(197) ARETE
     The late H. G. Hertz has drawn attention to the desirability of
making astrometric observations of (197) Arete at the present time
in order to improve the determination of the mass of (4) Vesta.  An
ephemeris for the period 1976 Nov. 28-1977 Feb. 6 (photographic
opposition magnitude 14.8) is contained in Efemeridy Malykh Planet
for 1977, while a somewhat more extended ephemeris (also for the
1978 opposition) is given on Minor Planet Circ. No. 4009.  Any
observations should be forwarded to the Minor Planet Center.

1976 October 29                (3000)              Brian G. Marsden

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