Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2999: 1976 UA; SNe

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                                                  Circular No. 2999
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

1976 UA
     This fast-moving object was accidentally recorded practically
simultaneously on Oct. 25 by W. Sebok with the 122-cm Schmidt telescope
at Palomar Mountain Observatory and by E. Helin, T. Lauer and
D. Zelinsky with the 46-cm Schmidt.  Further observations were made
on Oct. 26.  S. J. Bus suggested identity with a very fast-moving
object discovered by C. Kowal with the 46-cm Schmidt on Oct. 22.
The positions (ends of the Kowal trail) were all measured by Bus.

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        mpg  mpv  Observer
     Oct. 22.27778    23 19 08.58   +19 44 58.3   12.5       Kowal
          22.28125    23 19 15.08   +19 42 12.5                "
          25.21528    23 59 55.27   + 2 16 14.6   16         Sebok
          25.23333    23 59 59,54   + 2 13 37.8      14.5-15 Helin
          26.13785     0 04 08.66   + 0 27 11.0              Sebok
          26.33750     0 04 39.34   + 0 08 10.0         15   Helin

     Computations by B. G. Marsden confirm the identity and indicate
an approach within 0.01 AU of the earth on Oct. 20.  Provisional
elements are q = 0.47 AU, a = 0.84 AU.  An ephemeris follows:

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Oct. 27     0 06.92    - 0 44.6    0.049   1.036   16.7
          29     0 11.52    - 2 36.4    0.064   1.047   17.4
          31     0 14.62    - 3 43.1    0.080   1.058   17.9
     Nov.  2     0 16.98    - 4 25.9    0.095   1.069   18.3
           4     0 18.95    - 4 54.2    0.111   1.080   18.7
           6     0 20.70    - 5 13.2    0.127   1.090   19.0
           8     0 22.33    - 5 25.5    0.143   1.099   19.3

     P. Wild, Astronomical Institute, Berne University, has
independently reported the discovery of the supernova in NGC 488 (IAUC
2998).  He estimated the offsets from the galaxy's nucleus to be 4"
east, 110" south and the photovisual magnitude as 17.0 on Oct. 23.

     B. Szeldl, Konkoly Observatory, cables that M. Lovas has
discovered another supernova, 5" west and 16" south of the nucleus of
IC 1801.  On Oct. 24 the photographic magnitude was 15.0.

1976 October 27                (2999)              Brian G. Marsden

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