Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3150: EXTRAGALACTIC Id OF 4U 0241+62; 1977l; 1977p

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3150
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     K. Apparao, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; L.
Maraschi and G. Bignami, University of Milan; H. Helmken, Center
for Astrophysics; B. Margon, University of California at Los Angeles;
R. Hjellming, National Radio Astronomy Observatory; and H.
Bradt and R. Dower, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report
the precise position and extragalactic identification of the
galactic-plane (b = +2o.4) x-ray source 4U 0241+62.  X-ray observations
with SAS 3 on Nov. 24-29 yielded the position R.A. = 2h41m01s.3, Decl. =
+62o15'27" (equinox 1950.0; 90-percent-confidence error radius 30")
and a 2-11 keV flux density of 1.4 uJy (3.1 x 10**-11 erg cm**-2 s**-1).
Spectrophotometry of the brightest object (V ~ 16) in the x-ray
error circle with the Lick Observatory's 305-cm reflector on Dec. 3
revealed this starlike object to be either a QSO or a Seyfert nucleus.
It exhibits intense and very broad H-alpha emission, weak H-beta and
He I emission, narrow [O III] emission and intense forbidden coronal
lines, all yielding a redshift of z = 0.044.  The spectra also
show very prominent interstellar 4430 A, Na D and 6284 A absorption
at zero redshift, presumably due to galactic interstellar absorption.
At the redshift distance of 260 Mpc the 2-11 keV luminosity
is 2 x 10**44 erg s**-1.  Radio observations on Dec. 5 with the VLA
yielded an intense, pointlike (< 1") radio source located at R.A. =
2h41m00s.68 +/- 0s.03, Decl. = +62o15'27".5 +/- 0".5 (equinox 1950.0), within
2" of the optical position.  Based on preliminary calibrations the
measured flux densities were 0.26, 0.19, 0.50 and 0.55 Jy at 1465,
4885, 14 765 and 22 485 MHz, respectively.  The radio spectrum is
typical of multicomponent synchrotron sources such as quasars or
galactic nuclei.  The object lies in the relatively large-error (1o
radius) region of the COS-B gamma-ray source CG 135+1 (Hermsen et al.
1977, Nature 269, 494).

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Sept. 3.17962     0 17 39.77   - 4 10 44.8          Schuster
     Oct. 14.61378    23 58 30.47   - 7 31 54.0          K. Suzuki
          14.61969    23 58 30.44   - 7 31 57.2            "
     Nov.  3.47708    23 53 42.33   - 8 02 12.1          T. Suzuki
           3.48194    23 53 42.35   - 8 02 10.2            "
           3.81219    23 53 41.42   - 8 02 05.4          Milet
           4.13056    23 53 40.73   - 8 02 03.8          Giclas
           6.83157    23 53 39.72   - 8 00 24.7   13.0   Vavrova
           6.84269    23 53 39.59   - 8 00 24.8            "
           7.77464    23 53 41.68   - 7 59 27.8   13.2   Mrkos
           7.78610    23 53 41.80   - 7 59 30.9            "
          10.55382    23 53 54.22   - 7 55 59.5          K. Suzuki
          10.55938    23 53 54.34   - 7 55 58.4            "
          10.72667    23 53 55.73   - 7 55 42.6   13.2   Mrkos
          10.73756    23 53 55.80   - 7 55 41.0            "
          11.58125    23 54 01.70   - 7 54 21.4          K. Suzuki
          11.79762    23 54 03.62   - 7 53 57.1   13.5   Mrkos

H.-E. Schuster (European Southern Obs.).  Measurer: R. M. West.
K. Suzuki (JCPM Oi Station) and T. Suzuki (JCPM Yakiimo Station).
   Measurer: T. Urata.  From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. Nos. 918 and 922.
B. Milet (Nice Observatory)
H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory).  Measurer: M. L. Kantz.
Vavrova and A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory).

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1977 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Oct. 19.13762    22 32 58.60   - 8 07 37.7    Torres
          31.46760    22 49 11.25   -10 04 27.5    Seki

C. Torres (University of Chile, Cerro El Roble Station).  Faint
   nebulous image, diameter ~ 6".  Measurer: M. Wischnjewsky.
T. Seki (Geisei).  From Yamamoto Circ. No. 1867.

     The following improved elliptical elements, by B. G. Marsden,
are from 10 observations Sept. 13 to Oct. 31:

       T = 1977 Sept. 17.446 ET
   Peri. = 162.030                    e =   0.66415
   Node  = 182.259   1950.0           a =   5.39204 AU
   Incl. =  18.646                    n =   0.078718
       q =   1.81089 AU               P =  12.52 years

     1978 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Jan. 12     0 52.52    - 6 15.9    2.128   2.164   18.5
          22     1 10.47    - 4 47.0
     Feb.  1     1 28.37    - 3 15.8    2.446   2.274   19.0
          11     1 46.21    - 1 44.4
          21     2 03.96    - 0 14.7    2.765   2.392   19.5
     Mar.  3     2 21.62    + 1 11.5
          13     2 39.17    + 2 33.0    3.074   2.516   19.9
          23     2 56.59    + 3 48.6
     Apr.  2     3 13.86    + 4 57.7    3.362   2.643   20.4

1977 December 13               (3150)              Brian G. Marsden

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