Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3520: MXB1730-333; 1980h

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3520
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     M. Oda and the Hakucho Team, University of Tokyo, telex: "As
of Sept. 26 there has been no sign of burst activity from the Rapid
Burster since Hakucho started continuous monitoring on July 14.
Because of the sun-angle constraint observations must now cease, and
Hakucho will not observe the source again before 1981 Mar."

     In the following ephemeris, from the elements on MPC 5126, the
total magnitude m1 is given (see also MPC 5324):

     1980/81 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     Oct.  8     8 53.46    +60 07.1    1.196   1.428   12.2
          13     9 08.97    +57 38.5
          18     9 22.94    +54 46.6    1.031   1.334   11.4
          23     9 35.56    +51 26.4
          28     9 46.98    +47 30.9    0.868   1.245   10.6
     Nov.  2     9 57.38    +42 50.5
           7    10 06.92    +37 12.8    0.714   1.167    9.8
          12    10 15.75    +30 22.2
          17    10 24.08    +22 01.7    0.582   1.101    8.9
          22    10 32.11    +11 59.5
          27    10 40.09    + 0 20.3    0.500   1.051    8.3
     Dec.  2    10 48.26    -12 22.2
           7    10 56.86    -25 07.2    0.496   1.022    8.1
          12    11 06.17    -36 52.4
          17    11 16.56    -47 00.5    0.570   1.016    8.4
          22    11 28.42    -55 24.3
          27    11 42.26    -62 14.2    0.690   1.033    8.9
     Jan.  1    11 58.69    -67 46.1
           6    12 18.6     -72 14.9    0.825   1.071    9.5
          11    12 43.0     -75 52.1
          16    13 13.5     -78 46.2    0.958   1.129   10.2
          21    13 52.0     -81 02.7
          26    14 40.2     -82 44.8    1.080   1.201   10.9
          31    15 37.8     -83 54.9
     Feb.  5    16 41.0     -84 36.0    1.185   1.285   11.5
          10    17 42.5     -84 54.3
          15    18 36.2     -84 58.3    1.272   1.376   12.1

1980 October 1                 (3520)              Brian G. Marsden

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