Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3603: 1981e; Sats OF JUPITER

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3603
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, reports that this comet has
been recovered by P. Jekabsons and himself as follows:

     1981 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       m1
     May   7.87951    23 56 00.1    - 3 24 14     16
           8.87986    23 59 51.2    - 2 58 40

The object is diffuse, without condensation, and in close agreement
with the prediction on MPC 5653 (elements on MPC 5639).

     O. Pascu and P. K. Seidelmann, U.S. Naval Observatory, report
observations of an unidentified satellite made with the Space Telescope
Wide-Field Planetary Camera Instrument Definition Team Ground-Based
Charged-Couple-Device Camera on the 1.5-m astrometric reflector
in Flagstaff.  The object, of red magnitude ~ 16, is designated
1981 J 1.  Differential measures with respect to Jupiter V (Amalthea),
which had just past greatest eastern elongation when the observations
began, are: May 7.22710, +9s.1; 7.22828, +8s.8; 7.23197,
+8s.0; 7.23390, +7s.2; 7.23936, +6s.1; 7.24325, +5s.2; 7.25836, +3s.2;
7.25991, +3s.0; 7.27512, 0s.0.  No separation of the objects was detected
before they passed too close to Jupiter for observation. It
is suggested that 1981 J 1 may be identical with 1979 J 2.

     The following precise positions of Jupiter VI (Himalia) have
been obtained by E. Bowell at the Lowell Observatory:

         UT                   R. A. (1950) Decl.          Mag.
    1980 Mar. 13.28333     10 21 22.19    +12 11 43.7
              14.25694     10 21 01.50    +12 13 53.0     16.0
              14.27500     10 21 01.16    +12 13 54.7
              16.21042     10 20 20.65    +12 18 04.0
              16.22708     10 20 20.32    +12 18 06.7
    1981 Mar. 30.27153     12 20 29.67    - 0 50 27.0     16.2
              30.31736     12 20 28.11    - 0 50 18.9
         Apr.  1.21181     12 19 22.34    - 0 43 52.9     16.5
               1.25069     12 19 21.00    - 0 43 45.7
               5.19236     12 17 04.51    - 0 30 10.7     16.5
               5.23611     12 17 03.00    - 0 30 02.0

1981 May 12                    (3603)              Brian G. Marsden

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