Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3694: 1982 FT; 1982 DV; 1982b, 1982c

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3694
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1982 FT
     This object (cf. IAUC 3685) was independently discovered at
the European Southern Observatory by O. Pizarro on Apr. 19.  Further
observations and orbital elements for this Mars crosser (q =
1.27 AU, e = 0.28, i = 20o) are given in the May 8 batch of MPCs.
The ephemeris continues as follows:

     1982 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     May   1    10 55.25    -56 39.6
          11    10 41.25    -58 23.7    0.431   1.266   16.2
          21    10 40.17    -59 34.3
          31    10 51.62    -60 33.2    0.491   1.279   16.6
     June 10    11 14.71    -61 26.7
          20    11 48.62    -62 07.6    0.548   1.312   16.9

1982 DV
     V. Zappala, Pino Torinese Observatory, telexes that preliminary
reduction by H. Debehogne of UBV photometric data obtained at
the European Southern Observatory on Mar. 13 shows that this object
has a rotation period ~ 16 hr and an amplitude ~ 0.4 magmitude.

     K. S. Russell, U.K. Schmidt Telescope Unit, informs us that a
red-sensitive exposure (with visual filter) with the 1.2-m Schmidt
produced a good image of comet 1982b of mag 19-20 on May 1; comet
1982c was still of mag 14-15.  Revised ephemeris continuation:

     1982 ET    R. A. (1950) Decl.   R. A. (1950) Decl.    Delta     r
     May   1    17 18.66  -34 53.0   17 23.31  -34 46.1
          11    17 27.90  -34 12.8   17 32.37  -34 06.7    0.335   1.296
          21    17 29.44  -33 09.5   17 33.68  -33 05.2
          31    17 26.15  -31 50.9   17 30.06  -31 48.7    0.400   1.402
     June 10    17 21.24  -30 26.1   17 24.71  -30 25.6
          20    17 07.09  -29 03.9   17 20.09  -29 04.4    0.518   1.530
          30    17 15.23  -27 51.0   17 17.77  -27 52.0
     July 10    17 16.30  -26 51.3   17 18.42  -26 52.3    0.699   1.671
          20    17 20.19  -26 04.7   17 21.96  -26 05.5
          30    17 26.65  -25 29.3   17 28.14  -25 29.8    0.941   1.819

1982 May 5                     (3694)              Brian G. Marsden

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