Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3771: N Mus 1983; Var STAR IN Ori; KR Aur; TT Ari

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3771
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     I. Nikoloff, Perth Observatory, writes that photometry by P.
Birch, D. Harwood and himself gives: Jan. 25.660 UT, V = 8.901,
B-V = +0.219; 25.715, 8.923, +0.379; 25.838, 8.883, +0.371;
28.579, 8.824, -; 28.617, 8.863, +0.335; 28.675, 8.914, +0.336;
28.712, 8.918, +0.337; Feb. 1.642, 8.847, +0.326; 2.638, 8.986,
+0.344.  A 103a-O plate taken on 1971 July 21 shows nothing at the
position of the nova down to mag ~ 15.5.

     P. A. Whitelock, South African Astronomical Observatory,
telexes that a 1.2-4.1-;m spectrum taken on Feb. 1.1 UT was
dominated by strong emission lines of H I and He I.  Infrared
photometry on Feb. 3.05 UT by D. Laney on the S.A.A.O. system gave
the following magnitudes: J = 6.11, H = 6.72, K = 6.07, L = 5.27.
The negative J-H color probably indicates that He I 1.083 micron is
particularly strong.  Later measurements indicate that the object
is getting fainter.

     T. Iijima and L. Rosino, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory,
telex that the spectrum of this object (IAUC 3763, 3769), obtained
with the Asiago 1.2-m reflector, shows strong emission lines of
H I, Fe II and Ca II.  Emission lines of Fe I, [Fe II], Ti II and
Cr II are also detected.  No absorption features are seen, except
for the probable P-Cyg reversal of the H I lines.  The spectrum is
similar to that of a T-Tau variable.

     J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, informs us that this unusual
variable, faint at the beginning of 1982 (cf. IAUC 3674, 3689),
has recently been brightening.  Visual magnitude estimates: 1982
Oct. 11.1 UT, 14.5; Nov. 18.2, 14.5; Dec. 8.1, 14.2; 1983 Jan.
4.1, 14.0; Jan. 20.0, 13.9; Feb. 11.1, 13.7.

     M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France, writes that this object
(IAUC 3748) is still faint but that it fluctuated between mag 15.5
and 14.6 in 2.5 hr on Jan. 7; it was at mag 15.3 on Jan. 8.

1983 February 14               (3771)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3770  SEARCH Read IAUC 3772

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