Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3883: 1983 TB

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3883
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

1983 TB
     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

   1983 UT           R.A.  (1950.0)   Decl.    Mag.   Observer

   Oct. 12.23472   17 53 15.00   +59 07 23.1   16.0   Kowal
        12.24861   17 53 33.07   +59 06 57.9            "
        13.13055   18 12 28.88   +58 37 27.0   16.0     "
        18.14603   19 38 53.60   +53 39 29.2          Gibson
        18.35020   19 41 37.89   +53 24 25.8            "
        27.09653   21 02 11.88   +42 50 33.7   16.2   Skiff
        27.11875   21 02 19.89   +42 49 10.3            "
        27.13958   21 02 27.18   +42 47 44.9            "

C. Kowal and J. Gibson (Palomar).  1.2-m Schmidt telescope.  Time
   changed by +5 min on Oct. 13.
B. Skiff (Lowell Obs., Anderson Mesa Sta.).  Measurer: E. Bowell.

     The following elements, by the undersigned, are from the
observations above and the Oct. 14 and 16 observations on IAUC 3879:

          T = 1983 Sept. 1.141 ET
      Peri. = 323.629                    e =   0.89796
      Node  = 262.682   1950.0           a =   1.32334 AU
      Incl. =  22.743                    n =   0.647437
          q =   0.13504 AU               P =   1.52 years

     1983 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     Oct. 29    21 13.28    +40 48.9    0.560    1.300    16.4
          30    21 18.54    +39 48.2
          31    21 23.48    +38 49.8    0.590    1.328    16.5
     Nov.  1    21 28.12    +37 53.7
           2    21 32.49    +36 59.7    0.621    1.354    16.6
           3    21 36.62    +36 08.0
           4    21 40.54    +35 18.3    0.654    1.380    16.7
           5    21 44.26    +34 30.7
           6    21 47.82    +33 45.1    0.687    1.405    16.9
           7    21 51.21    +33 01.4
           8    21 54.45    +32 19.5    0.722    1.430    17.0
           9    21 57.57    +31 39.4
          10    22 00.57    +31 01.0    0.757    1.455    17.1
          11    22 03.45    +30 24.2
          12    22 06.24    +29 49.0    0.793    1.479    17.2

1983 October 28                (3883)              Brian G. Marsden

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