Circular No. 3915 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PERIODIC COMET ENCKE Total visual magnitude estimates: Jan. 28.98 UT, 11.7 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.50-m reflector); Feb. 1.99, 11.6 (Bortle); 5.13, 11.4 (C. S. Morris, Whitaker Peak, CA, 0.20-m reflector). Ephemeris from the orbital elements on MPC 7455: 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Feb. 10 23 54.73 + 7 33.9 1.567 1.070 11.3 15 0 03.97 + 8 22.9 20 0 13.92 + 9 14.5 1.462 0.904 10.1 25 0 24.59 +10 07.5 Mar. 1 0 35.98 +10 59.9 1.318 0.728 9.0 6 0 47.97 +11 47.7 11 1 00.15 +12 23.1 1.125 0.545 7.8 16 1 11.35 +12 29.6 21 1 18.60 +11 32.9 0.876 0.385 6.7 26 1 15.92 + 8 34.0 31 0 58.20 + 2 59.5 0.655 0.353 7.0 Apr. 5 0 31.42 - 3 32.7 10 0 07.08 - 8 45.1 0.640 0.486 8.3 15 23 49.68 -12 07.8 20 23 38.34 -14 11.7 0.720 0.666 10.3 COMET IRAS-ARAKI-ALCOCK (1983d) C. B. Cosmovici, DFVLR; and S. Ortolani, Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, communicate: "Detailed investigation of four spectra taken with the grating spectrograph at the Asiago 1.82-m telescope on 1983 May 9.9 UT shows about 50 unknown lines. The new molecules HCO (strongest line at 483.3-483.8 nm) and H2S+ could be identified, and the new species H2CO, S2, DCO and NH4 (identification by G. Herzberg) were strongly suspected. The spectral range was 380-850 nm and the resolution 0.6 nm. The spectra were processed with the European Southern Observatory pds. Confirmation by other observers would be appreciated." SUPERNOVA IN NGC 3227 Visual magnitude estimate by M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France: 1983 Dec. 3.2 UT, 13.8. 1984 February 10 (3915) Brian G. Marsden
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