Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3925: 1983k

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3925
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

COMET IRAS (1983k)
     A comet accidentally discovered by K. S. Russell on a single
exposure by M. Hawkins with the U.K. Schmidt telescope at Siding
Spring appears to be comet IRAS (1983k).  In comparison with its
earlier performance the comet is unexpectedly bright.  There is
some evidence of a tail.  The positions of the trail ends are:

      1984 UT            R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.        m2

      Mar.  6.64416     12 10 29.79     -15 50 24.7     16
            6.68583     12 10 26.79     -15 49 47.6

     The following parabolic orbital elements, by the undersigned,
are from observations 1983 July 14-1984 Mar. 6.  Residuals of +/- 6"
remain in the positions of the 1984 Mar. 6 trail ends.

         T = 1983 May 2.7224 ET  Peri. = 265.5959
                                 Node  = 171.1037   1950.0
         q =   2.418226 AU       Incl. = 138.8392

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Feb. 10    12 46.24    -21 18.2    3.252    3.838    15.9
          20    12 33.37    -19 27.9
     Mar.  1    12 19.00    -17 14.6    3.129    3.990    16.0
          11    12 03.89    -14 42.0
          21    11 48.93    -11 57.5    3.165    4.144    16.2
          31    11 34.95    - 9 10.4
     Apr. 10    11 22.61    - 6 29.8    3.385    4.298    16.5
          20    11 12.31    - 4 03.1
          30    11 04.19    - 1 54.4    3.760    4.454    16.9
     May  10    10 58.21    - 0 05.3
          20    10 54.21    + 1 24.5    4.235    4.610    17.3
          30    10 51.96    + 2 36.8
     June  9    10 51.22    + 3 33.6    4.748    4.766    17.7
          19    10 51.76    + 4 17.0
          29    10 53.34    + 4 49.2    5.251    4.923    18.0
     July  9    10 55.79    + 5 12.2
          19    10 58.91    + 5 27.6    5.705    5.079    18.3
          29    11 02.57    + 5 36.9
     Aug.  8    11 06.63    + 5 41.6    6.085    5.235    18.6

1984 March 8                   (3925)              Brian G. Marsden

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