Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4079: 1985f; 1985 JA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4079
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     M. Hartley, U.K. Schmidt Telescope Unit, communicates the
following precise positions:

         1985 UT              R.A.   (1950.0)    Decl.

         June 13.38141      11 45 24.29      + 4 37 47.2
              13.46175      11 45 31.64      + 4 34 49.8
              13.47911      11 45 32.87      + 4 34 18.2
              21.35870      11 57 37.52      + 0 05 01.2
              21.37606      11 57 38.94      + 0 04 31.5

1985 JA
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1985 UT            R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.     Observer

     May  19.37616    15 07 44.83    - 8 40 15.0    Helin
          21.13239    15 06 07.41    - 6 10 23.1    McCrosky
          23.20750    15 04 24.37    - 3 27 32.7      "
          23.38811    15 04 17.03    - 3 13 34.5    Gilmore
          23.41554    15 04 15.70    - 3 11 35.1      "
          24.50109    15 03 28.25    - 1 53 15.1      "
          24.52042    15 03 27.30    - 1 51 52.4      "
     June  7.30067    14 58 38.82    + 9 33 49.3    Gibson
           7.30428    14 58 38.79    + 9 33 56.4      "
           8.30694    14 58 37.24    +10 05 51.5      "
           8.31250    14 58 37.21    +10 06 01.8      "

E. Helin, S. Singer-Brewster and D. Schneeberger (Palomar
   Observatory). 0.46-m Schmidt telescope
R. E. McCrosky, C.-Y. Shao and G. Schwartz (Oak Ridge Observatory).
A. C. Gilmore (Mt. John Observatory).  Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin.
J. Gibson (Palomar Observatory).  1.6-m reflector and CCD.

     The following improved orbital elements have been determined
by the undersigned from 23 observations May 11-June 8:

         T = 1985 Feb. 18.2268 ET
     Peri. = 288.7669                    e =   0.319917
     Node  = 232.0121   1950.0           a =   1.642850 AU
     Incl. =  36.7249                    n =   0.4680662
         q =   1.117275 AU               P =   2.106 years

1985 June 25                   (4079)              Brian G. Marsden

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