Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4145: CH Cyg; 1985p; Corrs

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4145
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     M. and J. Mikolajewski, Institute of Astronomy, N. Copernicus
University, Torun, telex:  "After its drop in brightness and its
radio outburst in 1984 July, CH Cyg entered its nebular phase in
1985 Mar.  The forbidden emission lines of [O III], [Ne III], and
[S II] were the strongest in the spectrum.  The Balmer emission
lines were faint, narrow, and practically one-peaked; our 1985 Nov.
4 and 8 spectra show the Balmer line intensities at least 3 times
higher than in 1985 Apr.-Sept.  The Balmer lines are again double-
peaked, with the violet component higher than the red one for H beta;
they exhibit broad emission wings at 1200-1500 km/s.  The radial
velocities of three components are close to those observed in 1985
Jan.:  -120, -50, and +20 km/s.  The spectra (dispersion 1.8 nm/mm)
are practically the same as in 1985 Jan.  The magnitudes on Nov. 6
were V = 7.5, B-V = +1.18, U-B = +0.35, and the star seems to be at
least 0.2 mag brighter than in mid-1985."

     Improved orbital elements are from 31 observations (further
observations will be published in the MPCs), Nov. 8-22:

         T = 1985 Oct. 29.6291 ET
     Peri. = 357.6326                    e =   0.545690
     Node  =  53.1030   1950.0           a =   3.746258 AU
     Incl. =  13.1074                    n =   0.1359276
         q =   1.701961 AU               P =   7.25 years

     1985/6 ET   R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Dec.  1     4 17.85    +29 26.7    0.749    1.731    11.8
          11     4 10.47    +31 31.1
          21     4 05.53    +33 07.5    0.837    1.776    12.1
          31     4 04.40    +34 19.3
     Jan. 10     4 07.49    +35 12.0    1.001    1.839    12.6
          20     4 14.70    +35 50.8
          30     4 25.49    +36 19.2    1.223    1.917    13.3

     On IAUC 4139, the title " Periodic Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)"
should read " Comet Hartley-Good (1985l)" .
     On IAUC 4125, Periodic Comet Halley (1982i), line 24, for 333o
read 273o.

1985 December 6                (4145)            Daniel W. E. Green

Read IAUC 4144  SEARCH Read IAUC 4146

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