Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4198: Prob. SN IN IC 4329A; SW UMa; 1982i; 1985n

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4198
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     C. C. H. Bonatto, F. Toledo, and J. Veliz, Laboratorio Nacional
de Astrofisica, Itajuba, report their discovery of a probable
supernova in IC 4329A on spectrograms obtained Mar. 26.134 UT.  The
object is located 120" east and 200" north of the galaxy's nucleus
(R.A. = 13h46m28s, Decl. = -30deg03.7, equinox 1950.0), and the magnitude
is given as 9-10.  The spectra show strong bands at 493 and 640 nm,
and the emission features clearly resemble those found in supernova
1983U in NGC 3227.

     Visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4193) by S. Korth with
the 0.35-m reflector of the Benzenberg Sternwarte, Dusseldorf: Mar.
10.921 UT, 11.0; 16.875, 11.5; 18.910, 11.6.

     H. Pedersen and R. Vio, European Southern Observatory, report
observing a concentration of CO+ (426 nm) emission, 4' in diameter
and 1.2 deg from the nucleus in p.a. 262, using a wide-field CCD
camera on Mar. 20.295-20.399 UT.  During this time, the concentration
moved 6'1/hr toward p.a. 247 (measured relative to fixed stars).

     Further total visual magnitude estimates:  Mar. 21.48 UT, 2.5
(R. Keen, Black Mesa, OK, naked eye, 7 deg tail in p.a. 270); 22.09,
3.6 (R. Fleet, Harare, Zimbabwe, 11x80 binoculars, 9 deg tail in p.a.
260, curved tail 7.4 deg long in p.a. 280); 22.52, 2.8 (M. Mayo,
Yucca Valley, CA, 7x50 binoculars); 23.40, 3.0 (D. W. E. Green,
Cambridge, MA, 7x50 binoculars); 25.01, 2.8 (M. Cavagna, Praslin,
Seychelles, naked eye, tail 3 deg in p.a. 274); 26.07, 3.7 (J.
Campos, Durban, South Africa, 30x80 binoculars, tail 2.25 deg long in
p.a. 278); 26.39, 2.7 (Green, 20x80 binoculars); 28.97, 2.9
(Cavagna, tail 3 deg in p.a. 276).

     Total visual magnitude estimate (cf. IAUC 4191) by J.-C.
Merlin, Le Creusot, France, 0.40-m reflector: Mar. 9.84 UT, 9.2.

1986 March 31                  (4198)            Daniel W. E. Green

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