Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4352: 1987A

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4352
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     N. Suntzeff and M. Hamuy, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory,
report that SN 1987A remains in its plateau phase through
Mar. 22, having only brightened by 0.03 mag in B since Mar. 9, as
shown in the following preliminary photometry:  Mar. 12.1 UT, V =
4.23, B-V = +1.46, U-B = +1.93, V-R = +0.54, R-I = +0.23; 14.1,
4.18, +1.49, +1.95, +0.62, +0.26; 15.1, 4.20, +1.52, +2.04, +0.59,
+0.25; 16.1, 4.18, +1.53, +2.08, +0.60, +0.28; 19.1, 4.12, +1.56,
+2.06, +0.65, +0.30; 20.1, 4.10, +1.60, +2.06, +0.66, +0.30; 21.1,
4.08, +1.61, +2.09, +0.68, +0.30; 22.1, 4.07, +1.61, +2.09, +0.69,
+0.30.  VRI colors show a very linear increase in brightness, with
the redder colors increasing more rapidly.  Since Mar. 4, 15 nights
of observations give the following changes in brightness (mag/day)
through Mar. 22:  V, -0.021; R, -0.030; I, -0.039.
     G. Testor and M.-C. Lortet, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon,
telex:  "Two McMullan electronographic camera photographs, obtained
with the European Southern Observatory 1.5-m Danish telescope and
with H-beta (width 3.0 nm) and O III (width 1.0 nm) filters in 1982
Feb., indicate that Sanduleak -69 202 was composed of at least two
bright stars aligned north-south (within 1".0) and might even be a
cluster of stars."
     J. B. Hearnshaw and J. Haar, University of Canterbury, report:
"From spectra obtained on the 0.61-m reflector at Mt. John Observatory,
we have measured the mean deceleration of the blue-shifted
absorption component of the H-alpha P-Cyg profile over the interval Mar.
4.43-21.35 UT, and find A = 356 +/- 20 km/s/day.  This is about half
the mean deceleration in the interval Feb. 25.70-Mar. 4.43, where
we obtained 690 km/s/day with a large error bar (IAUC 4342).  Velocities
of recent H-alpha absorption and emission peaks were (in 1000 km/s):
Mar. 18.336, -8.10, +0.46; 19.369, -8.00, +0.55; 20.333,
-7.70, +0.05; 21.354, -7.70, +0.18.  There is a marked asymmetry of
the emission lines of H-alpha and also of emission features at 588, 502,
and 406 nm, with the peaks on the short-wavelength side of the
profile as a whole.  The asymmetry has increased during Mar. 18-21.
The bump on the blue side of the H-alpha emission profile at 647 nm (cf.
IAUC 4350) has strengthened during Mar. 18-21."
     Further visual magnitude estimates:  Mar. 24.42 UT, 3.9 (D. A.
J. Seargent, The Entrance, N.S.W.); 24.42, 4.1 (A. Beresford,
Adelaide, S. Australia); 24.72, 4.1 (J. Campos, Durban, R.S.A.);
25.11, 4.0 (Campos); 25.40, 4.0 (Beresford).

1987 March 26                  (4352)            Daniel W. E. Green

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