Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4387: DX And; 1987A; EX Hya

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4387
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     J. A. Mattei, AAVSO, reports that this unusual cataclysmic
variable has undergone an outburst (the last one being during 1985
July 25-Aug. 12, when DX And reached mv = 11.7), as indicated by
the following visual magnitude estimates:  May 5.55 UT, 13.2 (T.
Langhans, San Bruno, CA); 7.29, 12.0 (G. Dyck, N. Dartmouth, MA).

     P. Ubertini, A. Bazzano, and C. la Padula, Istituto di Astrofisica
Spaziale, CNR, Frascati; R. Sood, J. Thomas, and L. Waldron,
ADFA, Department of Physics, Canberra University; G. Frye, R. Koga,
and P. Albats, Case Western Reserve University; R. Staubert,
Astronomisches Institut, Tubingen University; and G. Rochester and T. J.
Sumner, Physics Department, Imperial College, London, telex:  "We
observed SN 1987A during Apr. 19.04-19.30 UT with a combined hard-
x-ray/high-energy gamma-ray experiment onboard a stratospheric balloon,
launched from the Alice Springs (N.T.) Balloon Facility and floating
at an altitude corresponding to 2.0 mbar.  The x-ray detector
consisted of a 2.02-bar Xe-filled MWPC having a sensitive area of
500 cm2 in the range 15-180 keV.  The real-time housekeepings
analysis and pointing data have shown the nominal behavior of all the
flight subsystems and detectors.  The integral counting rate over
the whole energy range as obtained from the quick-look data gives
the following 3-sigma upper limits for the four different on-source
positions:  Apr. 19.11-19.17, 380 mCrab; 19.18-19.23, 90; 19.24-
19.28, 150; 19.29-19.30, 270.  The differences between the stated
upper limits are due to different observation time and exposed
area to the source."
     Provisional photoelectric photometry with a 0.20-m Schmidt-
Cassegrain reflector by A. Beresford, Adelaide, S. Australia:  May
7.41 UT, V = 2.89, B-V = +1.55.
     Visual magnitude estimates: May 1.37 UT, 3.0 (D. Seargent, The
Entrance, N.S.W.); 3.47, 2.9 (Seargent); 4.35, 2.8 (Seargent);
5.50, 3.0 (Beresford); 6.42, 2.9 (R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring
Observatory); 7.40, 2.9 (McNaught).

     Visual magnitude estimates by M. Koshiro, Suwa City, Japan
(via S. Sakuma, Kawasaki):  May 4.528 UT, 12.7 6.538, 11.6.

1987 May 8                     (4387)            Daniel W. E. Green

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