Circular No. 7516
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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B. Schmidt, Australian National University, on behalf of the
High-Z Supernova Search Team (cf. IAUC 6646), reports the discovery
of 11 supernovae on R-band CCD images taken with the Canada-France-
Hawaii Telescope by J. Tonry, B. Barris, P. Garnavich, S. Holland,
A. Riess, and himself; and on CCD images taken with the Cerro
Tololo Interamerican Observatory Blanco telescope by N. B. Suntzeff,
R. A. Schommer, R. C. Smith, P. Candia, P. Challis, S. Jha, L.
Strolger, and A. Clocchiatti. The supernovae were identified by
subtracting images taken in Sept. from those obtained in Oct., and
confirmed with spectra and images taken on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 with
the European Southern Observatory 8.2-m ANTU Very Large Telescope
(+ FORS1) by B. Leibundgut and J. Sollerman.
SN 2000 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. R z Type
2000dy Oct. 25 23 25 35.93 - 0 22 34.0 22.7 0.61 Ia
2000dz Oct. 21 23 30 41.36 + 0 18 42.7 23.1 0.50 Ia
2000ea Oct. 25 2 09 54.02 - 5 28 17.8 23.3 0.42 Ia
2000eb Oct. 25 2 10 25.75 - 5 25 33.7 23.6 0.68 Ia
2000ec Oct. 21 2 11 32.03 - 4 13 56.1 22.7 0.47 Ia
2000ed Oct. 21 2 11 06.91 - 4 22 38.6 23.7 0.41 II?
2000ee Oct. 21 2 27 34.53 + 1 11 49.4 22.6 0.47 Ia
2000ef Oct. 21 2 28 10.30 - 1 11 03.6 23.2 0.41 II?
2000eg Oct. 21 2 30 21.05 + 1 03 48.5 22.5 0.54 Ia
2000eh Oct. 21 4 15 02.44 + 4 23 18.1 22.4 0.49 Ia
2000ei Oct. 21 4 17 07.18 + 5 45 53.1 22.8 0.60 II?
The supernovae are all within 2" of their host galaxies. Objects
marked with "II?" are dominated by a blue continuum and are not
associated with their host galaxy nucleus. Finder charts are
available for these objects at
, as are also
information and finder charts for an additional 50 supernova
candidates in the range R = 20-25 that do not have spectroscopic
L. Donato, S. Garzia, V. Gonano, and G. Sostero, Remanzacco
Observatory, report their discovery of an apparent nova at R.A. =
0h42m57s.17, Decl. = +41o07'15".4 (equinox 2000.0; measurement by
K. Korlevic at Visnjan). Unfiltered CCD magnitudes by Donato et
al.: Sept. 22 UT, [18.5; 22.82, 17.6; 28.85, 18.1; Nov. 1.84, 18.7.
(C) Copyright 2000 CBAT
2000 November 3 (7516) Daniel W. E. Green
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