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IAUC 7600: P/2000 WT_168; C/2001 A2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 7600
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMET P/2000 WT_168
     R. M. Stoss, Starkenburg-Sternwarte, Heppenheim; and R. H.
McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, report the identification with
P/2000 WT_168 of two asteroidal trails appearing on U.K. Schmidt
plates taken by M. R. S. Hawkins and P. R. Standen on 1978 Mar. 6
and 1986 Mar. 14.  Astrometric measurements by McNaught, M. Read,
and Stoss appear on MPEC 2001-F17, together with orbital elements
by B. G. Marsden from 190 observations spanning 1978-2001 (T = 1978
Jan. 21, 1985 Oct. 22, 1993 July 18, and 2001 Mar. 23).

     Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 42316:

2001 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Mar. 12     6 22.64   - 1 33.0   0.959   1.532  103.4   39.1   13.3
     17     6 16.12   - 2 50.0   0.956   1.464   97.2   42.4   13.1
     22     6 10.76   - 4 07.0   0.952   1.395   91.4   45.6   12.8
     27     6 06.48   - 5 24.6   0.946   1.327   86.0   48.6   12.6
Apr.  1     6 03.18   - 6 44.1   0.938   1.259   81.0   51.6   12.4
      6     6 00.69   - 8 06.5   0.927   1.193   76.4   54.6   12.1
     11     5 58.84   - 9 33.1   0.911   1.128   72.1   57.7   11.8
     16     5 57.43   -11 04.6   0.891   1.066   68.2   60.9   11.5
     21     5 56.23   -12 42.0   0.866   1.006   64.6   64.4   11.2
     26     5 54.95   -14 25.9   0.835   0.951   61.4   68.2   10.9
May   1     5 53.22   -16 16.4   0.798   0.901   58.5   72.5   10.6
      6     5 50.58   -18 12.8   0.756   0.857   55.9   77.1   10.2
     11     5 46.47   -20 12.8   0.709   0.822   53.7   82.2    9.9
     16     5 40.25   -22 12.6   0.657   0.796   51.9   87.6    9.6
     21     5 31.14   -24 06.3   0.601   0.782   50.5   93.1    9.3
     26     5 18.28   -25 45.5   0.543   0.780   49.6   98.4    9.1
     31     5 00.73   -26 58.9   0.485   0.789   49.4  102.8    8.9

     Total magnitude estimates, visual unless otherwise noted: Feb.
22.51 UT, 15.6 (A. Nakamura, Kuma, Ehime, Japan, 0.60-m reflector +
CCD); Mar. 12.81, 13.1 (R. J. Bouma, Groningen, The Netherlands,
0.31-m reflector); 13.53, 13.2 (Nakamura); 14.43, 13.1 (D. A. J.
Seargent, Cowra, N.S.W., 0.25-m reflector).

                      (C) Copyright 2001 CBAT
2001 March 20                  (7600)            Daniel W. E. Green

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