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IAUC 8452: TRANSIENT IN Lyn; 2004gq, 2004gr

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8452
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     E. J. Christensen, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, reports the
discovery of a transient starlike object located at R.A. =
8h03m24s.60 +/- 0s.07, Decl. = +38o18'35".9 +/- 0".5 (equinox
2000.0).  Nothing is visible within 0'.5 of this position on the
Palomar Sky Survey or in the USNO-A2.0 catalogue.  Following are
red magnitudes derived from the CCD images, taken in the course of
the Catalina Sky Survey with the Catalina 0.68-m Schmidt telescope:
Dec. 11.4321 UT, [19.5; 11.4436, 15.9; 11.4549, 17.5; 11.4656, 18.2;
11.5073, 19.6; 11.5081, 18.9; 11.5090, 19.1; 11.5099, 19.7.

SUPERNOVAE 2004gq AND 2004gr
     Discoveries of two supernovae have been reported from
unfiltered CCD images:  SN 2004gq independently by H. Pugh and W.
Li (LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8448) and by F. Manzini (Novara, Italy,
0.4-m telescope; Stazione Astronomica di Sozzago Supernova Search),
and SN 2004gr by LOSS.

SN       2004 UT        R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2004gq   Dec. 11.36   5 12 04.81  -15 40 54.2   15.5   22".3 E, 22".4 N
2004gr   Dec. 11.57  11 26 15.02  +27 52 06.7   17.9   9".2 W, 5".5 N

The data for SN 2004gq above are from LOSS; position end figures by
R. Behrend (Geneva Observatory) from Manzini's image:  04s.87,
53".6.  Manzini adds that nothing is visible at this location on
Digitized Sky Survey images or on his earlier images (no dates
specified).  Additional magnitudes for SN 2004gq:  Dec. 4.38 UT,
[19.5 (KAIT); 11.93, 15.9 (Manzini); 12.02, 15.9 (Manzini); 12.30,
15.4 (KAIT).  KAIT magnitudes for SN 2004gr:  May 19.19, [19.5;
Nov. 20.58, hint (poor conditions); Dec. 12.58, 17.9.
     A. V. Filippenko and R. J. Foley, University of California,
Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD spectra (range 320-940 nm),
obtained on Dec. 12 UT with the Keck I 10-m telescope (+ LRIS),
shows that SN 2004gq is probably of type Ic, roughly 4 days before
maximum brightness.  Its spectrum generally resembles the pre-
maximum spectrum of SN 1994I (Filippenko et al. 1995, Ap.J. 450,
L11), but there is an additional, weak absorption line at rest
wavelength 635 nm that could be attributed H_alpha.  The equivalent
width of the narrow interstellar Na I D absorption line at 589 nm
is about 0.1 nm.  Spectra of SN 2004gr show that it is of type II,
probably the II-P variety and roughly a month past explosion, given
the well-developed P-Cyg profiles of hydrogen Balmer, Fe II, and
other lines.

                      (C) Copyright 2004 CBAT
2004 December 12               (8452)            Daniel W. E. Green

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