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IAUC 8481: 2004ht-2004io

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8481
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2004ht-2004io
     Further to IAUC 8362, J. Adelman-McCarthy, F. DeJongh, J.
Frieman, H. Lampeitl, and D. Tucker, Fermilab; B. Dilday and R.
Kessler, University of Chicago; J. Holtzman, New Mexico State
University (NMSU); and M. Sako, Stanford University, on behalf of
the SDSS Collaboration, report the discovery of 22 supernovae on
g'- and r'-band images taken at the SDSS 2.5-m telescope.
Spectroscopy was obtained during 2004 Oct. 14-Dec. 11 with the ARC
3.5-m telescope (+ DIS) at Apache Point and the Hobby-Eberly
Telescope (+ LRS) at McDonald Observatory.  Imaging was obtained
with the ARC 3.5-m and the NMSU 1-m telescopes.  Date of maximum
observed g' flux and approximate g' magnitude on that date are
tabulated below, together with supernova position, type, and
redshift.  Discovery dates:  Sept. 22, 2004ht-hy, 2004ia; 24,
2004hz; Oct. 8, 2004ib, 2004id, 2004if; 10, 2004ic, 2004ie; 16,
2004ig, 2004ih; Nov. 3, 2004ii, 2004il-io; 5, 2004ij, 2004ik.

SN       2004  UT      R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      g'   Type    z
2004ht   Sept. 22    1 04 48.67  - 0 53 45.5   21.1   II   0.067
2004hu   Sept. 22    1 15 02.42  + 0 15 42.9   19.3   Ia   0.049
2004hv   Sept. 22   23 48 25.95  + 1 03 50.3   20.2   II   0.061
2004hw   Sept. 22   23 51 17.35  + 1 13 39.4   20.1   Ia   0.060
2004hx   Sept. 24    2 41 12.60  - 0 52 46.0   17.2   II   0.014
2004hy   Sept. 24   21 06 04.25  + 1 12 57.0   20.3   II   0.058
2004hz   Oct.   8    2 05 03.00  + 0 50 11.9   20.1   Ia   0.143
2004ia   Oct.   8    2 18 02.30  - 0 33 32.4   19.5   Ia   0.143
2004ib   Oct.  10    2 40 56.40  - 0 10 48.3   20.3   Ic   0.056
2004ic   Oct.  10   20 40 48.05  + 1 02 34.2   20.5   II   0.093
2004id   Oct.  16    0 06 29.64  - 0 28 22.3   19.6   Ia   0.144
2004ie   Oct.  16   22 01 46.58  + 1 14 12.0   17.5   Ia   0.052
2004if   Oct.  16   22 39 08.54  - 0 51 54.6   21.5   Ia   0.322
2004ig   Oct.  24    0 05 51.79  - 0 59 45.1   20.6   Ia   0.183
2004ih   Oct.  24    2 15 54.31  + 1 04 09.9   20.0   Ia   0.154
2004ii   Nov.   3    0 16 51.80  - 0 24 56.9   20.7   Ia   0.197
2004ij   Nov.   5    1 21 11.54  - 0 55 09.2   21.3   Ia   0.218
2004ik   Nov.   5    1 44 55.51  - 0 05 58.1   21.3   Ia   0.169
2004il   Nov.   5    3 07 02.69  - 0 00 40.1   19.5   Ia   0.108
2004im   Nov.   5   23 43 07.78  - 0 07 55.5   19.8   Ia   0.14
2004in   Nov.  11    1 30 26.06  + 0 41 32.3   20.3   Ia   0.161
2004io   Nov.  20   21 23 37.39  - 0 28 00.6   19.7   Ia   0.150

                      (C) Copyright 2005 CBAT
2005 February 9                (8481)            Daniel W. E. Green

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