Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8738: C/2006 K7-K21, C/2006 L3-L5

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8738
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

COMETS C/2006 K7-K21, C/2006 L3-L5 (SOHO)
     Additional Kreutz sungrazing comets have been found on SOHO
website images (cf. IAUC 8727, 8737; LC = L. Cane).  C/2006 K7 is
described by K. Battams as being slightly diffuse and small,
reaching mag 8.1 on May 18.313 UT at 6.1 solar radii.  C/2006 K8
was faint, quite diffuse, and too faint for photometry.  C/2006 K9
was extremely faint and diffuse.  C/2006 K10 was very faint,
diffuse, and slightly elongated.  C/2006 K11 appeared small and
stellar in C3 images, while in C2 images it reached mag about 6.5
and had a tail that reached a length of 113" on May 23.254.  C/2006
K12 was small, diffuse, and very faint.  C/2006 K13 and K14 were a
fairly close pair -- both being very small and faint -- the former
(the leading fragment) being diffuse and the brighter of the two,
and the latter being slightly diffuse.  C/2006 K15, K16, K18, K19,
and C/2006 L5 were all faint and slightly diffuse; C/2006 K15 and
K19 were described as tiny, the other two as small.  C/2006 K17 and
K20 were diffuse, the former extremely faint and the latter very
small.  C/2006 K15-20 all peaked in the magnitude range 8-9.
C/2006 K21 was small and stellar in appearance, peaking at mag
about 4.5 in C3 images at about 13 solar radii; there was a vague
hint of a tail in C2 images.  C/2006 L3 was very faint and diffuse.
C/2006 L4 was tiny and slightly diffuse.

 Comet        2006 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2006 K7    May 18.314   3 42.4   +18 00   C2     LC   2006-M28
 C/2006 K8        18.898   3 45.2   +18 09   C2     BZ   2006-M28
 C/2006 K9        19.913   3 47.6   +18 13   C2     RM   2006-M28
 C/2006 K10       20.564   3 51.0   +18 26   C2     WX   2006-M30
 C/2006 K11       22.513   4 03.3   +17 20   C3/2   HS   2006-M30
 C/2006 K12       22.754   3 59.4   +18 50   C2     HS   2006-M30
 C/2006 K13       24.421   4 05.8   +19 08   C2     GS   2006-M30
 C/2006 K14       24.438   4 05.8   +19 09   C2     RM   2006-M30
 C/2006 K15       25.004   4 07.7   +19 12   C2     TC   2006-M64
 C/2006 K16       25.913   4 11.4   +19 22   C2     RM   2006-M64
 C/2006 K17       25.938   4 11.5   +19 21   C2     RM   2006-M64
 C/2006 K18       26.413   4 11.9   +19 24   C2     GS   2006-M64
 C/2006 K19       29.300   4 23.9   +19 51   C2     HS   2006-M64
 C/2006 K20       29.408   4 24.7   +19 54   C2     TC   2006-M64
 C/2006 K21       29.554   4 32.8   +17 18   C3/2   VB   2006-O20
 C/2006 L3    June 1.908   4 38.1   +20 21   C2     GS   2006-O20
 C/2006 L4         4.592   4 48.2   +20 39   C2     WX   2006-O20
 C/2006 L5         8.058   5 00.7   +20 56   C2     HS   2006-O20

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 August 9                  (8738)            Daniel W. E. Green

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