Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8770: 2006fo, 2006le-2006lu

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8770
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

SUPERNOVAE 2006fo AND 2006le-2006lu
     Further to IAUC 8766, seven apparent supernovae have been
reported from unfiltered CCD images:  2006le, 2006lf, 2006lg,
2006li, and 2006lu by R. R. Prasad, N. Joubert, M. Baek, and W. Li
(LOSS/KAIT); and 2006lh and 2006lt by the "Nearby Supernova Factory"
collaboration (details on CBETs 708 and 714).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006le  Oct. 26.44   5 00 41.99  +62 15 19.0  18.0   12".4 W, 40".1 N
2006lf  Oct. 26.43   4 38 29.49  +44 02 01.5  18.0   13".0 E, 12".1 S
2006lg  Oct. 25.38   2 46 57.64  +39 00 40.0  18.8   0".6 W, 4".8 S
2006lh  Oct. 24.2   23 26 51.60  + 9 19 57.6  19.4      --
2006li  Oct. 28.49   7 05 33.33  +33 50 01.3  19.4   3".3 W, 20".4 N
2006lt  Oct. 11.4    2 16 59.89  +30 41 57.4  19.1      --
2006lu  Oct. 30.55   9 15 17.63  -25 36 00.3  17.6   6".0 E, 0".5 S

Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006le in UGC 3218:  Oct. 19.44 UT,
[19.1; 25.45, 18.5; 27.51, 17.6.  SN 2006le is a type-Ia supernova,
well before maximum light on Oct. 27 (details on CBET 702).
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006lf in UGC 3108:  Oct. 19.43,
[19.3; 27.51, 17.6.  SN 2006lf is a type-Ia supernova, around 1
week before maximum light on Oct. 28 (details on CBET 705).
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006lg in UGC 2243:  Oct. 1.38,
[19.0; 26.36, 18.4; 28.34, 18.5.  SN 2006lg is a type-II supernova
(details on CBET 707).  A spectrogram obtained on Oct. 28 showed
2006lh to be a young type-II supernova (details on CBET 708).
Additional magnitudes for 2006li in UGC 3664:  1989 Oct. 28, [21.0
(Digitized Sky Survey red plate); 2003 Oct. 22.52, 19.8 (KAIT);
2006 Oct. 29.52, 19.4 (KAIT).  A spectrogram obtained on Oct. 13
suggests that 2006lt was then already a late type-Ib supernova.
Additional magnitudes for 2006lu:  May 4.12, [18.8 (KAIT); Nov.
1.35, r = 17.51 +/- 0.03 (W. Krzeminsky and C. Contreras, on behalf
of the Carnegie Supernova Project; Las Campanas Observatory 1-m
Swope telescope).
     J. Frieman, on behalf of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II
collaboration, has further reported ten additional faint supernovae
(2006lj-2006ls; magnitude range:  g = 21.3-23.5); details are given
on CBET 713.  Frieman's group has also noted that further analysis
of the spectrum of 2006fo (cf. IAUC 8750) shows it to be consistent
with a type-Ic supernova, with features similar to that of 1999ex
(details on CBET 643).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 November 2                (8770)            Daniel W. E. Green

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