Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2796: P/AREND; HD 87643

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2796
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 2662:
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1975/76 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     July 27     5 57.56    +37 25.2    2.664   1.937   -1m49  - 1'0   19.1
     Aug.  6     6 27.13    +37 51.1                    -1.46  + 0.6
          16     6 55.83    +37 57.8    2.615  1.998    -1.41  + 2.1   19.2
          26     7 23.34    +37 47.9                    -1.35  + 3.4
     Sept. 5     7 49.40    +37 24.6    2.552  2.073    -1.27  + 4.7   19.3
          15     8 13.79    +36 51.6                    -1.19  + 5.8
          25     8 36.35    +36 12.4    2.470  2.157    -1.12  + 6.8   19.3
     Oct.  5     8 56.97    +35 30.8                    -1.04  + 7.6
          15     9 15.52    +34 50.2    2.365  2.249    -0.98  + 8.4   19.4
          25     9 31.90    +34 13.9                    -0.92  + 9.2
     Nov.  4     9 45.98    +33 44.9    2.239  2.348    -0.88  + 9.9   19.3
          14     9 57.54    +33 25.9                    -0.86  +10.6
          24    10 06.40    +33 18.6    2.101  2.451    -0.85  +11.2   19.3
     Dec.  4    10 12.27    +33 24.3                    -0.87  +11.9
          14    10 14.87    +33 42.6    1.970  2.557    -0.91  +12.5   19.1
          24    10 14.01    +34 11.2                    -0.97  +13.0
     Jan.  3    10 09.61    +34 45.7    1.877  2.665    -1.05  +13.2   18.9
          13    10 01.90    +35 19.2                    -1.13  +13.2
          23     9 51.55    +35 43.5    1.858  2.775    -1.21  +12.8   18.8
     Feb.  2     9 39.63    +35 51.7                    -1.27  +12.0
          12     9 27.50    +35 39.1    1.944  2.885    -1.28  +11.0   19.0
          22     9 16.51    +35 05.3                    -1.26  +10.0
     Mar.  3     9 07.64    +34 13.5    2.140  2.994    -1.20  + 8.9   19.4
          13     9 01.47    +33 08.1                    -1.13  + 8.0
          23     8 58.12    +31 54.0    2.427  3.103    -1.04  + 7.3   19.8
     Apr.  2     8 57.43    +30 34.8                    -0.95  + 6.7
          12     8 59.10    +29 13.1    2.776  3.211    -0.86  + 6.2   20.3

       m2 = 15.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.03 (phase angle)

HD 87643
     W. Wamsteker, European Southern Observatory, informs us that
the values of V and Delta-(K - L) reported on IAUC 2794 are incorrect.
It is still probable that the object varies in brightness.

1975 July 7                    (2796)              Brian G. Marsden

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