Circular No. 2796 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET AREND Extension of the ephemeris on IAUC 2662: For dT = +1d 1975/76 ET R. A. (1950) Decl. Delta r dR.A. dDecl. m2 July 27 5 57.56 +37 25.2 2.664 1.937 -1m49 - 1'0 19.1 Aug. 6 6 27.13 +37 51.1 -1.46 + 0.6 16 6 55.83 +37 57.8 2.615 1.998 -1.41 + 2.1 19.2 26 7 23.34 +37 47.9 -1.35 + 3.4 Sept. 5 7 49.40 +37 24.6 2.552 2.073 -1.27 + 4.7 19.3 15 8 13.79 +36 51.6 -1.19 + 5.8 25 8 36.35 +36 12.4 2.470 2.157 -1.12 + 6.8 19.3 Oct. 5 8 56.97 +35 30.8 -1.04 + 7.6 15 9 15.52 +34 50.2 2.365 2.249 -0.98 + 8.4 19.4 25 9 31.90 +34 13.9 -0.92 + 9.2 Nov. 4 9 45.98 +33 44.9 2.239 2.348 -0.88 + 9.9 19.3 14 9 57.54 +33 25.9 -0.86 +10.6 24 10 06.40 +33 18.6 2.101 2.451 -0.85 +11.2 19.3 Dec. 4 10 12.27 +33 24.3 -0.87 +11.9 14 10 14.87 +33 42.6 1.970 2.557 -0.91 +12.5 19.1 24 10 14.01 +34 11.2 -0.97 +13.0 Jan. 3 10 09.61 +34 45.7 1.877 2.665 -1.05 +13.2 18.9 13 10 01.90 +35 19.2 -1.13 +13.2 23 9 51.55 +35 43.5 1.858 2.775 -1.21 +12.8 18.8 Feb. 2 9 39.63 +35 51.7 -1.27 +12.0 12 9 27.50 +35 39.1 1.944 2.885 -1.28 +11.0 19.0 22 9 16.51 +35 05.3 -1.26 +10.0 Mar. 3 9 07.64 +34 13.5 2.140 2.994 -1.20 + 8.9 19.4 13 9 01.47 +33 08.1 -1.13 + 8.0 23 8 58.12 +31 54.0 2.427 3.103 -1.04 + 7.3 19.8 Apr. 2 8 57.43 +30 34.8 -0.95 + 6.7 12 8 59.10 +29 13.1 2.776 3.211 -0.86 + 6.2 20.3 m2 = 15.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.03 (phase angle) HD 87643 W. Wamsteker, European Southern Observatory, informs us that the values of V and Delta-(K - L) reported on IAUC 2794 are incorrect. It is still probable that the object varies in brightness. 1975 July 7 (2796) Brian G. Marsden
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