Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 2877: 1975k

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2877
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     Further precise positions have been reported as follows:

     1975 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Oct.  8.81523    11 13 26.06   +43 28 02.2          Kurosaki
          18.19122    11 30 19.62   +41 19 44.4          Mundet
          21.19369    11 42 12.91   +39 26 03.1          Codina
          21.21088    11 42 17.40   +39 25 11.7            "
     Nov   3.46667    17 45 36.08   -49 52 54.7          Herald
           3.74757    18 00 39.53   -51 03 44.2          Smith
           3.78854    18 02 46.49   -51 12 44.8          Hers
           4.40542    18 32 43.68   -53 00 36.3          Herald
           4.46660    18 35 28.14   -53 08 28.6    5.0     "
           5.43248    19 13 39.16   -54 32 44.0    4     Morgan
           7.83403    20 15 11.95   -55 08 16.6          Hers
           8.42743    20 25 24.45   -55 02 59.7          Herald
           9.43403    20 39 46.73   -54 49 55.0            "
          11.46319    21 00 51.17   -54 18 42.7            "
          12.80764    21 10 56.87   -53 58 30.7          Hers
          13.79549    21 17 04.70   -53 44 33.7            "
          15.75729    21 26 51.61   -53 19 31.5            "
          15.76250    21 26 52.88   -53 19 28.2            "
          16.75208    21 30 55.61   -53 08 03.7            "
          17.75556    21 34 32.79   -52 57 16.7            "
          18.79028    21 38 00.59   -52 46 18.6            "
          19.80139    21 40 50.06   -52 37 35.2            "

T. Kurosaki (Utsunomiya).  Correction to IAUC 2856.  From Orient.
   Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No. 114.
J. M. Mundet and J. M. Codina (Fabra Observatory, Barcelona).
   Computer: N. Torras.
D. Herald (Kambah, near Canberra).  Magnitude estimate is naked eye.
R. F. Smith (Pretoria).  Communicated by J. Hers.
J. Hers (Randburg, near Johannesburg).
T. Morgan (Sydney Observatory).  Communicated by W. H. Robertson.

     Corrigenda.  On IAUC 2858, the p.a. for J. Bortle's observations
should be increased by 40o, i.e., the tail was in p.a. 0o and
the cloud elongated in p.a. 10o-190o.  On IAUC 2869, B. Sumner's
observation on Nov. 12.53 was made with a 15-cm f/4 reflector, 27 x.

1975 December 4                (2877)              Brian G. Marsden

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