Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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                                                  Circular No. 2962
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975/76 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        Observer
     Dec.  7.20903     1 32 19.15   +10 17 21.2    Roemer
           7.23264     1 32 18.87   +10 17 19.3      "
          29.04925     1 32 18.75   +10 10 24.4    Shao
     Jan. 27.18733     1 44 29.24   +11 11 49.0    Roemer
     Feb. 25.01155     2 07 18.98   +13 09 26.4    Schwartz
          26.02105     2 08 15.82   +13 14 14.7      "

E. Roemer (University of Arizona).  Dec. 7: Lunar and Planetary Lab.
   154-cm reflector.  Jan. 27: Steward Obs. 229-cm reflector; D.
   Daniels assisted.  Measurers: W. Smith and C. D. Vesely.
C. Y. Shao and G. Schwartz (Harvard Obs.).  Measurer: J. H. Bulger.

     The following improved elements, by B. G. Marsden, are from 14
observations 1975 Oct. 27 to 1976 Feb. 26, perturbations included:

       T = 1977 Apr. 23.0257 ET   Epoch = 1977 Apr. 7.0 ET
   Peri. = 231.4712                   e =   0.152339
   Node  = 242.5584   1950.0          a =   4.038677 AU
   Incl. =   1.1010                   n =   0.1214354
       q =   3.423429 AU              P =   8.116 years

     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     July 21     5 13.88    +22 55.0    4.298   3.561   19.7
          31     5 26.84    +23 05.6
     Aug. 10     5 39.31    +23 11.9    4.078   3.543   19.5
          20     5 51.17    +23 14.3
          30     6 02.28    +23 13.1    3.816   3.526   19.4
     Sept. 9     6 12.45    +23 09.2
          19     6 21.54    +23 03.1    3.526   3.510   19.2
          29     6 29.32    +22 55.8
     Oct.  9     6 35.60    +22 48.1    3.225   3.495   19.0
          19     6 40.18    +22 40.9
          29     6 42.83    +22 35.0    2.937   3.481   18.8
     Nov.  8     6 43.42    +22 30.9
          18     6 41.86    +22 29.0    2.692   3.469   18.6
          28     6 38.20    +22 28.9
     Dec.  8     6 32.72    +22 30.2    2.525   3.458   18.4
          18     6 25.88    +22 32.1
          28     6 18.33    +22 33.6    2.466   3.449   18.3
     Jan.  7     6 10.89    +22 34.3
          17     6 04.32    +22 34.4    2.526   3.441   18.4
          27     5 59.25    +22 34.0
     Feb.  6     5 56.15    +22 33.8    2.692   3.434   18.5
          16     5 55.20    +22 34.0
          26     5 56.45    +22 34.7    2.929   3.429   18.7
     Mar.  8     5 59.80    +22 35.6
          18     6 05.06    +22 36.1    3.205   3.426   18.9
          28     6 12.03    +22 35.5
     Apr.  7     6 20.48    +22 32.9    3.488   3.424   19.1
          17     6 30.20    +22 27.7
          27     6 40.98    +22 19.0    3.757   3.424   19.2
     May   7     6 52.64    +22 06.4
          17     7 05.01    +21 49.3    3.995   3.425   19.4
          27     7 17.95    +21 27.4
     June  6     7 31.32    +21 00.4    4.190   3.427   19.5

     The following ephemeris, by P. Herget, is from Publ. Cincinnati
Obs. (1968) No. 23:

     1976/77 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r
     July 11     3 05.63    +26 18.0    6.169   5.688
          21     3 11.57    +26 52.9    6.038   5.692
          31     3 16.70    +27 25.5    5.897   5.697
     Aug. 10     3 20.95    +27 55.6    5.751   5.701
          20     3 24.20    +28 22.7    5.601   5.706
          30     3 26.30    +28 46.5    5.451   5.710
     Sept. 9     3 27.20    +29 06.4    5.306   5.714
          19     3 26.83    +29 21.7    5.170   5.719
          29     3 25.18    +29 31.8    5.047   5.723
     Oct.  9     3 22.35    +29 35.9    4.942   5.728
          19     3 18.45    +29 33.5    4.858   5.732
          29     3 13.73    +29 24.4    4.801   5.737
     Nov.  8     3 08.53    +29 08.9    4.772   5.741
          18     3 03.23    +28 47.8    4.774   5.746
          28     2 58.20    +28 22.5    4.807   5.750
     Dec.  8     2 53.78    +27 55.0    4.869   5.755
          18     2 50.30    +27 27.3    4.959   5.759
          28     2 47.93    +27 01.4    5.072   5.763
     Jan.  7     2 46.82    +26 38.8    5.205   5.768
          17     2 47.00    +26 20.7    5.353   5.772
          27     2 48.45    +26 07.8    5.511   5.777
     Feb.  6     2 51.08    +26 00.3    5.674   5.781
          16     2 54.85    +25 58.2    5.838   5.786
          26     2 59.60    +26 01.1    5.998   5.791
     Mar.  8     3 05.25    +26 08.4    6.152   5.795
          18     3 11.67    +26 19.5    6.295   5.800

1976 June 14                   (2962)              Brian G. Marsden

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