Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits


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Read IAUC 3186  SEARCH Read IAUC 3188
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3187
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK     Telex: 921428
Telephone: (617) 864-5758

     H. S. Stockman and J. R. P. Angel, Steward Observatory, report
a dramatic brightening in the magnetic variable VV Pup.  Following
an extended period of low activity (mv >~ 17.5) that began in Apr.
1977 (cf. IAUC 3065) the star was observed on 1978 Mar. 4.2 UT at
mv = 15.1 and mv = 15.8 during its bright and faint phases, respectively.
Strong circular polarization, previously reported by Tapia
(IAUC 3054), is now seen throughout the 100-min orbital period and
changes sign simultaneously with the photometric variations.
Stockman and Angel expect that, with the general brightening,
strong H and He emission should again be present in the optical
spectrum.  VV Pup is now optically as bright as has been observed
in recent years and may show detectable x-ray emission.


     Comet         T      Name                 Year/letter   Ref.
     1976   I  Jan.  3.9  Sato                     1975q   * 19, **
           II  Jan. 25.3  P/Wolf                   1975f   * 19, **
          III  Feb. 10.8  P/Gunn                     -     IAUC 3057
           IV  Feb. 24.6  Bradfield                1976a   * 19, **
            V  Feb. 25.1  Bradfield                1976d   * 19, **
           VI  Feb. 25.2  West                     1975n   IAUC 3030
          VII  Apr.  7.3  P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko  1975i   * 19, **
         VIII  Apr. 21.7  P/Harrington-Abell       1975l   * 19, **
           IX  July  6.4  Lovas                    1976k   * 19, **
            X  Aug. 10.2  P/Klemola                1976j   * 19, **
           XI  Aug. 12.9  P/d'Arrest               1976e   * 19, **
          XII  Oct. 31.6  Lovas                    1977c   IAUC 3106
         XIII  Nov.  3.2  Harlan                   1976g   IAUC 3036
          XIV  Nov. 28.7  P/Pons-Winnecke          1976f   * 19, **

* Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society.  ** In press.

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1977/78 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Dec.  3.43194    23 42 17.68   -15 25 21.9   16     Furuta
           3.44236    23 42 18.19   -15 25 05.0            "
     Jan.  8.04997     0 36 32.72   + 1 38 52.5          West

T. Furuta (Tokai).  From Orient. Astron. Assoc. Comet Bull. No.
   158; time of first observation changed from Dec. 3.34194.
R. M. West (European Southern Observatory).  100-cm Schmidt telescope.
   Comet image very diffuse.

     The following prediction, by B. G. Marsden, is from a fit to
26 observations made during 1964-1965 and 1971-1973.  Perturbations
by all nine planets were taken into account.

       T = 1979 Feb. 22.6598 ET   Epoch = 1979 Feb. 16.0 ET
   Peri. =  23.6005                   e =   0.413115
   Node  = 327.3804   1950.0          a =   3.680452 AU
   Incl. =  19.2046                   n =   0.1395894
       q =   2.160003 AU              P =   7.061 years

                                                        For dT = +1d
     1978/79 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.   m2
     Apr. 22    19 08.88    -43 04.9    2.571   3.016   -1m23  - 4'7   20.8
     May   2    19 14.82    -43 40.5                    -1.33  - 5.3
          12    19 18.10    -44 18.6    2.264   2.935   -1.45  - 5.7   20.5
          22    19 18.37    -44 57.1                    -1.57  - 6.0
     June  1    19 15.39    -45 32.6    2.008   2.854   -1.70  - 6.0   20.1
          11    19 09.11    -45 59.5                    -1.81  - 5.8
          21    18 59.93    -46 11.0    1.827   2.775   -1.90  - 5.4   19.7
     July  1    18 48.75    -46 01.0                    -1.94  - 4.7
          11    18 36.91    -45 25.2    1.739   2.697   -1.93  - 4.1   19.5
          21    18 25.99    -44 23.8                    -1.87  - 3.5
          31    18 17.32    -43 01.0    1.748   2.621   -1.78  - 3.2   19.4
     Aug. 10    18 11.83    -41 23.4                    -1.66  - 3.1
          20    18 09.92    -39 38.3    1.839   2.548   -1.54  - 3.3   19.4
          30    18 11.53    -37 51.0                    -1.44  - 3.6
     Sept. 9    18 16.41    -36 05.1    1.984   2.478   -1.34  - 4.1   19.4
          19    18 24.18    -34 22.0                    -1.26  - 4.6
          29    18 34.41    -32 41.4    2.158   2.413   -1.19  - 5.1   19.5
     Oct.  9    18 46.73    -31 02.5                    -1.12  - 5.6
          19    19 00.76    -29 23.6    2.340   2.354   -1.07  - 6.2   19.6
          29    19 16.18    -27 43.1                    -1.03  - 6.7
     Nov.  8    19 32.74    -25 59.4    2.518   2.301   -0.98  - 7.1   19.6
          18    19 50.17    -24 11.2                    -0.95  - 7.6
          28    20 08.27    -22 17.3    2.680   2.255   -0.92  - 8.0   19.7
     Dec.  8    20 26.88    -20 16.8                    -0.89  - 8.4
          18    20 45.83    -18 09.5    2.822   2.217   -0.86  - 8.8   19.7
          28    21 05.03    -15 55.0                    -0.84  - 9.1
     Jan.  7    21 24.36    -13 33.5    2.939   2.188   -0.82  - 9.4   19.7

              m2 = 14.0 + 5 log Delta + 10 log r

1978 March 9                   (3187)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 3186  SEARCH Read IAUC 3188

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