Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3568
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     W. Lewin, L. Cominsky and A. Lawrence, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, communicate: "M. Oda and the Hakucho Team have
agreed to make time available on the Hakucho x-ray satellite for
simultaneous optical, infrared and radio observations of x-ray
burst sources and transients during 1981.  M.I.T. will coordinate
the observations.  A substantial fraction of the time from Apr. to
Sept. will be dedicated to the coordinated observations.  Exact
dates will depend on the responses we receive from interested observers
and will be announced at a later date.  The candidate targets
will be chosen from the sources which will be then burst-active.
Possible targets will include the bursters MXB 1735-44 (IAUC
3230), MXB 1659-29 (IAUC 3190, 3229) and MXB 1636-53 (from which
40 optical bursts were detected in 1979 and 1980, ten of these seen
at x-ray wavelengths; cf. IAUC 3399).  During July-Sept., we will
concentrate on infrared/radio/x-ray observations of the Rapid
Burster MXB 1730-335 (cf. IAUC 3520), which was not active during x-ray
observations made during 1980 Apr.-May or Aug.-Sept.  Participation
by optical observers with time on large telescopes (at least 1.5 m
aperture) is invited during Apr.-June.  Infrared and radio observers
are encouraged to participate during July-Sept. (cf. IAUC 3344,
3428).  Astronomers who are interested should contact us (telephone
617-253-5827 or 617-253-7530, telex 92-1473 MIT CAM or TWX
710-320-0058 MIT CAM)."

     M. Kafatos, A. G. Michalitsianos, W. A. Feibelman and R. W.
Hobbs, Goddard Space Flight Center, report: "We observed the
peculiar-line-emission star RX Pup in the high-resolution (0.01 nm)
mode of the IUE on 1980 Sept. 20.2 UT, and anomalous line-profile
structure was seen in high-excitation emission lines.  Split-line
profiles characterized a number of high-excitation emission lines
that included He II 164.0 nm, [Si III] 189.2 nm and [O III] 166.0
and 166.6 nm.  The C IV resonance doublet exhibited multiple-component
blue-shifted features, in which the intensity ratio,
I(154.8 nm)/I(155.0 nm), was opposite to that usually seen in these
lines.  [N IV] 148.6 nm exhibited an extended blue-wing emission
that gave the appearance of an inverse P-Cyg profile."

1981 January 26                (3568)              Daniel W. E. Green

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