Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3653: 1981h; 1978 DA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3653
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 3625:

     1981/82 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Dec. 22     6 42.03    +33 30.8    1.263   2.230   15.5
     Jan.  1     6 34.04    +32 52.4
          11     6 26.56    +32 00.4    1.289   2.248   15.6
          21     6 20.98    +30 58.8
          31     6 18.23    +29 52.8    1.411   2.278   15.8
     Feb. 10     6 18.72    +28 46.9
          20     6 22.35    +27 43.8    1.611   2.317   16.2
     Mar.  2     6 28.85    +26 44.0
          12     6 37.78    +25 47.3    1.864   2.366   16.6
          22     6 48.68    +24 52.1
     Apr.  1     7 01.17    +23 57.1    2.148   2.423   17.0
          11     7 14.88    +23 00.8
          21     7 29.47    +22 02.0    2.446   2.487   17.4
     May   1     7 44.72    +20 59.9
          11     8 00.40    +19 53.9    2.747   2.558   17.8
          21     8 16.33    +18 43.5
          31     8 32.39    +17 28.7    3.040   2.634   18.1
     June 10     8 48.45    +16 09.6
          20     9 04.44    +14 46.5    3.315   2.714   18.4
          30     9 20.30    +13 19.5
     July 10     9 35.96    +11 49.1    3.563   2.798   18.7

1978 DA
     The following ephemeris for this Amor-type object is from the
orbital elements on MPC 5840:
                                                        For dT = +1d
     1981/82 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     dR.A.  dDecl.  Mag.
     Dec. 22    11 47.25    -12 49.1    0.957   1.341   -4m20  + 2'7   20.4
          27    12 07.57    -14 09.7
     Jan.  1    12 29.43    -15 25.4    0.856   1.269   -4.80  + 0.9   20.1
           6    12 52.92    -16 33.7
          11    13 18.10    -17 31.8    0.775   1.202   -5.31  - 2.4   19.9
          16    13 44.90    -18 16.2
          21    14 13.12    -18 43.9    0.716   1.142   -5.55  - 6.8   19.7
          26    14 42.44    -18 52.0
          31    15 12.38    -18 39.0    0.682   1.092   -5.33  -10.8   19.6

1981 December 17               (3653)              Daniel W. E. Green

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