Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 8654: COMET C/2006 A1 (POJMANSKI); C/2005 W6-W13

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 8654
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html  ISSN 0081-0304
Phone 617-495-7440/7244/7444 (for emergency use only)

     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 8653 (H = 10, n =

2006 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase   Mag.
Jan.  5    21 28.87   -67 09.7   1.520   1.164   50.0   40.3   11.4
     10    21 16.13   -65 14.8   1.484   1.084   46.9   41.5   11.1
     15    21 04.83   -63 12.5   1.441   1.003   44.1   43.0   10.8
     20    20 54.47   -60 59.3   1.389   0.924   41.6   45.0   10.5
     25    20 44.69   -58 29.1   1.328   0.846   39.5   47.8   10.1
     30    20 35.38   -55 32.9   1.259   0.773   37.9   51.5    9.7
Feb.  4    20 26.66   -51 57.4   1.180   0.705   36.6   56.5    9.2
      9    20 19.03   -47 23.2   1.093   0.646   35.7   63.1    8.8
     14    20 13.42   -41 25.3   1.002   0.601   35.1   71.1    8.3
     19    20 11.08   -33 35.0   0.913   0.574   34.8   79.8    8.0
     24    20 13.24   -23 31.2   0.836   0.568   35.0   87.4    7.8

COMETS C/2005 W6-W13 (SOHO)
     Additional near-sun comets have been found on SOHO website
images (cf. IAUC 8650; WX = W. Xu, JR = J. Ruan) -- all Kreutz
sungrazers except for C/2005 W9 and C/2005 W11 (which both belong
to the Meyer group).  C/2005 W6 was small, faint, and stellar in
appearance in C3 images, but diffuse and barely discernible in C2
images.  C/2005 W7 appeared stellar and slightly elongated in C3
images, reaching mag 7.0 at 11.5 solar radii on Nov. 19.888 UT; in
C2 images, it was relatively large and bright with a short tail
that reached a length of 177" at 5.8 solar radii on Nov. 20.313.
C/2005 W8 was small and stellar in appearance in C3 images,
reaching mag 7.6 at 11.5 solar radii on Nov. 19.888; in C2 images,
it appeared stellar and was reasonably bright with no tail.
C/2005 W9 and C/2005 W11 were very faint, small, and stellar in
appearance.  C/2005 W10 was extremely faint and diffuse.  C/2005
W12 was very faint, elongated, and diffuse.  C/2005 W13 was quite
bright and stellar in appearance on C3 images, reaching mag 6.8 at
8.5 solar radii on Nov. 21.929; in C2 images it appeared stellar
with no tail.

 Comet        2005 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2005 W6    Nov. 18.446  15 32.4   -22 45   C3/2   TS   2005-Y14
 C/2005 W7         19.433  15 27.9   -23 29   C3/2   WX   2005-Y14
 C/2005 W8         19.447  15 27.5   -23 23   C3/2   JR   2005-Y14
 C/2005 W9         19.564  15 38.3   -18 02   C2     HS   2005-Y15
 C/2005 W10        19.814  15 39.4   -21 15   C2     TH   2005-Y15
 C/2005 W11        19.979  15 39.9   -18 17   C2     HS   2005-Y15
 C/2005 W12        20.354  15 41.9   -21 21   C2     QY   2005-Y15
 C/2005 W13        21.221  15 34.9   -23 52   C3/2   TS   2005-Y22

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 January 5                 (8654)            Daniel W. E. Green

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