Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 2905: 1976 AA; 1975n; theta1 Ori A; CI Cyg

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 2905
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.

1976 AA
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1976 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Jan.  8.24983     6 49 55.43   +17 12 48.6          Burkhead
           9.25174     6 44 07.50   +19 30 27.6            "
          10.08685     6 39 05.95   +21 26 47.5          Bulger
          10.15833     6 38 38.03   +21 36 54.3            "
          11.16164     6 32 18.82   +23 58 22.0          McCrosky
          11.25240     6 31 41.57   +24 11 08.2          Shao
          11.73981     6 28 29.30   +25 20 07.8   13.5   Urata
          11.74271     6 28 28.11   +25 20 29.7            "
          12.75071     6 21 42.31   +27 42 50.4            "
          12.75856     6 21 39.10   +27 43 54.2   13.5     "
          13.13237     6 19 09.16   +28 36 34.8            "
          13.15763     6 18 57.99   +28 40 06.5          McCrosky
          13.78142     6 14 31.08   +30 06 58.7          Shao
          13.78356     6 14 30.05   +30 07 17.1   13.5   Urata
          14.14931     6 12 01.20   +30 58 13.2            "
          14.27084     6 11 05.84   +31 15 06.1          Young
          19.41782     5 31 18.31   +42 08 45.1            "
          19.41933     5 31 17.45   +42 08 54.0   14     Urata

M. S. Burkhead (Palomar Mountain Observatory)   122-cm Schmidt
   telescope.  Measurer: J. Sanders.  Communicated by E. Helin.
J. H. Bulger, R. E. McCrosky and C. Y. Shao (Harvard College
   Observatory).  155-cm reflector.  Measurer: Shao.
T. Urata (JCPM Jakiimo Station).  20-cm f/5.5 reflector.
J. Young (Table Mountain Observatory).  Measurer: S. J. Bus.

     The following improved orbital elements, by the undersigned,
are from 27 observations Jan. 7 to 19:

       T = 1976 May 20.269 ET
   Peri. = 147.866                    e =   0.18158
   Node  = 108.099   1950.0           a =   0.96600 AU
   Incl. =  18.758                    n =   1.0381
       q =   0.79059 AU               P =   0.949 year

     1976 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Jan. 27     4 27.57    +53 25.1    0.149   1.071   15.2
          29     4 11.16    +55 26.6
          31     3 55.32    +57 09.1    0.164   1.062   15.5
     Feb.  2     3 40.21    +58 35.3
           4     3 25.90    +59 47.9    0.180   1.052   15.8
           6     3 12.44    +60 49.4
           8     2 59.83    +61 41.9    0.196   1.042   16.1
          10     2 48.02    +62 26.9
          12     2 36.96    +63 06.0    0.212   1.031   16.4
          14     2 26.58    +63 40.1
          16     2 16.80    +64 10.0    0.228   1.020   16.6
          18     2 07.56    +64 36.5
          20     1 58.79    +64 59.8    0.243   1.008   16.8
          22     1 50.43    +65 20.5

       Mag. = 18.0 + 5 log Delta + 5 log r + 0.023 (phase angle)

COMET WEST (1975n)
     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1975/76 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.        m2    Observer
     Dec. 24.78333    20 57 01.39   -36 06 04.1          Hers
          27.76736    21 01 32.89   -35 42 37.2            "
     Jan.  4.39847    21 14 14.42   -34 37 12.9   11.0   Gilmore
           9.76701    21 24 10.68   -33 45 15.7          Hers

J. Hers (Randburg, near Johannesburg).  20-cm reflector.
A. C. Gilmore (Carter Observatory).  41-cm reflector.  Measurer:
   P. M. Kilmartin.  The values of m2 given on IAUC 2894 should
   be amended to: Nov. 28.39, 14.5; 30.38, 14.1; Dec. 5.40, 13.8.

     Total visual magnitude estimates: 1975 Dec. 23.43 UT, 9.5 (A.
Jones, Nelson, New Zealand, 7.8-cm refractor); 30.42, 8.7 (Jones);
1976 Jan. 7.47, 7.5-8 (M. Owada, Japan, 6.5-cm refractor, 12 x).

theta1 ORIONIS A
       J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, reports that a preliminary
reduction of over 100 visual magnitude estimates provided by members
of the AAVSO, RASNZ and Sky and Telescope yields the time of
mid-minimum of the recent eclipse (cf. IAUC 2859, 2881) as 1975 Dec.
5.51 +/- 0.03 UT; the eclipse probably lasted for about 0.8 day.

     Recent visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 2881): 1975 Dec.
6.01 UT, 9.9 (J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory); 12.1, 9.6 (Bortle);
15.2, 9.4 (R. Annal, Barstow, California); 21.9, 9.3 (J. Bauer,
West Germany); 24.7, 9.1 (Bauer); 1976 Jan. 2.00, 9.4 (Bortle);
11.00, 9.4 (Bortle); 15.00, 9.4 (Bortle); 20.1, 9.2 (Annal).

1976 January 23                (2905)              Brian G. Marsden

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